Chapter 23 - I See You (Both) - Part 1

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Evan decided to take Angie up on the offer. He tried to do it quickly to be home as soon as possible, but he ended up chatting with his friend, and the hour passed before he realized it. And although he lived nearby, he knew that nothing could save him from the wrath of his parents.

Of course, the moment he got home from Angie's, his parents lost it. Evan reflected nostalgically on a time when everything was different. No shouting, no unnecessary complaints. The times when laughter was heard instead of screams.

His parents were actually pretty cool when he was a kid. His mother used to read him bedtime stories, which made him love books, and his father showed him sports, but little Evan didn't like it that much, so his dad started to take him to run with him, and he certainly loved that. They did everything to be sure he felt smart, powerful, and loved. In addition, he did until he reached a certain age and started to feel obligated to feel insufficient. Loved, but insufficient.

Evan had no idea who to blame. Himself, Riley, or their parents. He didn't know if he and Riley were too different to fit into their family or if he tried to be so much like him as a child that he drifted away from his parents' ideas. Evan didn't blame him. Despite everything, his favourite cousin still had a place in his heart, and somewhere in the back of his mind, Evan still thought that if the worst came to worst, he could still find him, and his life would be okay. It was stupid since he had no idea where to start looking for him, but Evan needed some lifeline.

Evan needed someone to understand him, and his parents definitely weren't that.

If he should make a list of things that his parents didn't understand it would definitely start with the fact that when he hung out with a girl, it didn't automatically mean that she was his girlfriend or that he liked her. The second thing he would add to the list would probably be that his friends were not a bad influence, closely followed by the fact that he was not doing anything stupid when he was out with them. The last thing he wanted them to know would probably be the most important one – he was trying to find himself, and he might have an attitude about it, but that's just because he was trying to find out what was best for him. And no, being a wolf wasn't enough for him.

He felt that when his parents looked at him, they saw a son, a wolf, a member of the pack, but never a teenager. Something that was currently the biggest part of his personality.

"Are you going to say something?" His mother started to look impatient, tapping her foot, her arms crossed. Evan had no idea what she had yelled at him earlier, too lost in his thoughts.

"Like what?" he asked stupidly. Even without hearing an explanation, he knew what the problem was probably. Not only that he was grounded, but also the fact that she didn't like anyone he knew.

"Like you forgot about rules?" she suggested as if he didn't know that. She tried to sound less angry, as if she was not mad, just strict, but the vein on her forehead was telling otherwise. Maybe Evan would blame himself for making his mom age faster because of him, but she didn't blame herself for making him live like a hermit, so they were even.

"Which one now?" he gave her another question. He couldn't help it. If she wanted to play this game of finding out things himself, two could play it.

"Evan! That's not how you speak with your mother." He had no idea how many times in his life he had heard this sentence. Maybe he should have learned a foreign language to annoy her in another language, and then at least it would have taken on a completely different meaning. At least some change.

Her tone was suspiciously calm, and Evan could tell she was trying to calm herself down so she wouldn't say something bad. Probably something with Riley. Fortunately, Evan also tamed himself. He was smart enough to not roll his eyes like he desperately wanted to. If she seemed mad now, she would be livid for sure if he did that.

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