Chapter 70 - Accepted

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A few days before Evan's birthday, Lola started acting more than suspicious. It didn't look like she had any bad intentions, but Evan could sense where her thoughts were headed. They'd been friends too long for her not to know when his birthday was, and being Lola, a.k.a. the ultimate friend, she was definitely planning a celebration.

She hadn't mentioned anything to Evan yet, though, so he couldn't talk her out of it. He didn't want to start this conversation on his own, as he didn't want to presume that she was actually planning something for him, but he also didn't want to spoil her joy if that was indeed the case.

So, he had no choice but to wait.

Two more days passed, and the atmosphere in the school changed again. Evan had noticed it before but didn't care until it affected his group of friends. He didn't notice it right away since their group was less of a group and more of two neighbouring states, but they still told each other the news so they could enjoy it together.

He got the big news from Lola. Her blue hair swirled around her as she ran down the hallway with a wide smile on her face, hardly pausing when she finally found Evan and Angie in the crowd.

"What caused that grin?" Angie asked immediately, catching her around the waist to stop her without a chance of falling.

"Kieran got accepted to NYU," she blurted out quickly, not hiding her joy at the news. Immediately after she finished, she squealed and waved her arms as if to encourage her friends to be happy as well. However, that wasn't necessary as they both automatically started smiling as well.

On one level, Evan felt hurt, on another, he was thinking that their futures would continue to be intertwined, and on the third, he was excited for him as well, as he had no doubt that Kieran more than deserved it. He'd done everything he could in the last few years to further his studies, and Evan had always known that he would one day achieve great things, starting with university.

"That's amazing. He deserved it," Evan voiced his thoughts aloud.

"Right? He still can't believe it, like he's not capable of it." She rolled her eyes at that statement, losing her smile for a moment, but it came right back.

"I'm so proud of him." Angie expressed. Evan did not doubt that she wanted to tell him in person, but their relationship had been strained since she'd spent more time with Evan than with him after their breakup, giving the impression that she'd taken his side, even though she hadn't exactly.

"I'm sure he'll be glad to hear it." Evan hinted, and at the same time, showed her that it was okay.

"It's Kieran, Ang," the blue-haired girl added, and there was no need to say more. Kieran was the last person who would have brushed her off if she wanted to congratulate him. He probably wouldn't brush Evan off either, but he didn't know if he wanted to risk it.

"I hope you celebrate properly. I bet he'll protest, but don't let him downplay it," Evan's words were directed at Lola, and she frowned as soon as she heard them.

"Maybe you should congratulate him first and start a peace offering," was her counter-suggestion.

This time it was Evan who frowned, though he'd been thinking the same thing a moment ago. He didn't want to ruin Kieran's moment, but he also didn't want him to think he didn't care.

"I don't know if that's a good idea, Lola."

"It's Kieran. I'm sure he won't think you're trying to take advantage of the situation, especially with your birthday coming up. You'll have your own moment to shine, you have no reason to steal his," Angie argued.

They were both encouraging each other to talk to the nicest boy in the world.

"Speaking of your birthday..." Lola started, but Evan immediately cut her off.

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