shadow dance

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Settling inside the cave y/n tried to warm herself up by curling into ball, bringing her knees towards her chest but everything was in vain.

Deciding to look for some woods or leaves inside the cave , she left the spot she was sitting on and wandered in the cave.

Finding some branches , leaves and stones she gathered all the stuff and turned around to get back to place where she was sitting on.

The cave was dark and big . She could just see outline of things surrounding her , she was not even sure if animal was present in cave or not

Her main motive was to survive.

Coming towards place she was sitting she saw and outline . Tall well built body of person .
Her fighter instinct kicked in and launched herself towards that person with knife that was present in her boots .

As if sensing movements behind back , the person turned around and caught her wrist , with one hand and pressed her front against the cave , with her back facing him.

" I can't see you properly but all your movements specially your panting is turning me on yk" the person said while lightly grabbing her neck and squeezing it .

" L-leave me alone " struggles to lose his grip " who the fuck are you " y/n spatted.

" I'm hurt y/n you don't remember me " the person said with mock hurt tone .

" No I don't now leave me or I'll kill you "

" Suit yourself " with that te unknown figure backed away leaning himself on other side of the cave .

" I came to take you home but you seem like you are doing just fine " he said.

" I will not go anywhere with you fucking dick " y/n said and again rushed towards that person with knife in her hand .

She stopped in middle of her track when the stranger flashed torch light on his face for her to see who he really was .

Shocked seeing him here she stopped and looked at him with open mouth .

" Close your mouth don't , don't want fly flying in it " the man said .

Clearing her throat she asked " why are you here "

" Everyone was worried for you and I was Tasked to fetch you "

" Tsk I dont think anyone was and I'm sure you were not Tasked , you came here on your own . I bet they don't know where you are . And how dise you find me ?"

" Well there's something called hacking ms y/n , I didn't take you dumb type of girl  "

" You idiot* calm down y/n , no need to vent your anger on him* please leave I'll come home when I want don't need your help ."

" I will not leave without you , and you should know they are sorry for their behaviour . They were angry at that time and we're not in right mind "

" Then why can't they say sorry on their own , instead they are sending you here ? Tell me ".

They can't because they are dealing with something right now. Now let's go !!!"

" No I don't want to go home tonight I will stay here "saying that y/n sat on ground and started to light up the woods .

Seeing her the person sighed and sat in the ground too .

" I'll give you company then " he muttered and helped her to light up fire .

The fire lighted the cave , both of them sat next to each other gazing at fire .

Silence filled the cave , both of their face glowed because of fire .  Fire flames danced , Crackling woods sound surrounded them.

Their shadows danced behind them touching each other . As if they shadows knew too where they belonged to.

" Why " y/n broke silence between them .

" Why what " the person asked.


"Why are you doing this

Cha eunwoo " y/n said .




Oh my gooddddddd finally some romantic scene ufffffffff

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