in hell

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Everything was like  in slow motion

Y/n convulsed on ground . Eyes rolling back and forth.

She didn't reply to anything any treatment they were giving.

It was eunwoo who pushed everyone aside and picked y/n bridal style to his car and sped towards hospital.

Stray kids and mr. Kim followed his lead whereas BTS and astro bought Kim bum to their warehouse


Kim bum was tied on chair and tortured mercilessly.
BTS and astro were slapping , punching , kicking , cutting his skin without any break .

They didn't know where this anger came from .

Were they angry because he shot jhope

Or was it because if y/n's condition.

Kim bum just sat there giggling now and then as if he was unfazed.

" I think you really have gone mad huh " jimin said as he sliced his shoulder.

" No its just I am still surprised how stupid you guys are " Kim bum giggled.

" I suggest you to stop your fucking giggles maybe then we show some mercy to you " namjoon said as he Punched him on jaw , drawing his blood out.

" Now tell us why did you kill our mom " teahyung asked tightening his grp on Kim bums throat.

" Which one are you talking about "

" What are you talking about " jhope who was sitting on stool asked

" I mean which mom if yours , birth mom or step mom "

This made BTS freeze and astro worried.

" Stop your bluffing , and tell us the truth and don't play around or else we will just kill you " Rocky said .

" Ohhh I'm scared mommy save me " Kim bum acted and fake cried.

Jinjin shot his leg , making him scream him pain

" Aishh it pains like hell , ok ok I'll tell you , well for starters your real mom was killed by my dad as she refused to spend night with him , and also he had some kind of in obsession with her . It disgusted me but ohh well who even cares

Then about your step mom. She was the one who wanted me to kill y/n but instead I killed her. "

Hearing this BTS were  bought back to  memories of their mom , her sweet smile and musical laugh. Her scolding and caring .

They tried hard to control emotions and with cold face asked

" Why will mrs. Kim want to kill y/n ? "

Looking up at ceiling Kim bum replied

" Because she was my mom . She was jealous when my dad was after your real mother . When she know your sister was still alive. She planned to get her and kill her at right time .
She was also obsessed with your father . And wanted him so bad . That's why she married him and wanted to break family apart so that she could stay with and his luxury ".

" So basically your whole family is bunch of obsessed people " suga said as he scoffed.

" Wait wait you said she got to know our sister is alive , what do you mean , our sister is dead not alive " jin shouted which made everyone realise what Kim bum said .

" She is very much alive but you know what she hates you " he said Chuckling.

" What do you mean hate us , tell me , tell me what did do to her , you bastard " jimin picked the gun and placed it on Kim bums temple.

" Oh no I didn't do anything it was you who did things to her , and I'm telling you she not just gate you but despise you .

You are the one who pushed her around , you are the one who broke her heart so many times , you are the one who believed a stranger above her ,and you ask me what I did to her "

" Don't tell me - " jungkooks started but was cut of by Kim bum

" Yes yes , your sister she is none other then y/n ".

That's when realisation dawned upon them .

How y/n looked so familiar to them , turns out she was actually their sister.

She was their sweet sister who they thought they lost a long time ago.

She was their princess who's funeral they attended while crying .

The more BTS thought about it , how lived and adored her from beginning and was ready to fight , heck he actually hit them for her more they felt guilt for treating her like trash.

They felt suffocated as if someone was stopping them from breathing .

They wanted to beg for forgiveness from y/n but didn't know if they could even face her , heck they won't be able to stand in room with y/n after what they did.

" Was San-ha really hit by y/n or was this part of your plan " taehyung asked in cracked voice.

Before Kim bum could speak , basement door opened and the person who came in said

" She is innocent hyungs "


Everyone turned around and saw san-ha standing there in hospital gown

Seeing him awake and healed. Bts and astro ran towards him and Hugged him.

But San-ha broke that hug.

He stepped back and looked at them with cold expression.

" Don't you touch me after what you did . You accused y/n without even knowing the truth "
He snapped at them. This caused everyone to look at him and then at each other in guilt.

" I mean like seriously guys what's wrong with you guys , as soon as I wake up , I get to know from guards that you are on killing spree and hunting y/n down to kill her " San-ha spoke .

" Where's y/n " he asked .

" Hospital " jungkook said.

Turning his head san-ha .ade his way towards exit but was stopped by BTS amd and astro saying they will come too.

" Why , so that you can hurt her more " sam-ha said .

" No so that we can ask for forgiveness ".

They forgot about Kim bum and went to hospital in which   y/n was

They may have forgotten but there a person who didn't forget about Kim bum

A mysterious person entered in basement where Kim bum was kept in .

Entering the person saw Kim bum sleeping on chair , like chair was one of his bed , as he didn't do anything wrong .

What a bastard  the person thought.

The person took out an syringe of same drug Kim bum gave to y/n and injected into him.

Not just one time but five times.

His intentions were clear , to give Kim bum a painfull death.

" Kim bum , enjoy your last hours , see you in hell "

With that the person disappeared in thin air

Memories ( stepbrother ff, BTS ff)Where stories live. Discover now