Hesitation (Part 2)

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I was back inside my home. Straighten up anything lingering about. Which wasn't much—due to the fact that the house was still half empty.

I sighed, mentally preparing myself. In seconds my doorbell ranged. I walked to the door without curiosity—knowing exactly who it was.

I opened the door to see her standing there.

"Mirena", I say.

"Alexis", she mocked my tone.

I motioned my hand for her to come in.

Mirena softly sighed, as I moved aside to let her in. Once she was inside, I closed the door.

Mirena stood near the Kitchen's island.

"You wanna sit?", I offered one of the stool chairs.

"I'm fine. I'll stand", Mirena says.

"Oookayy", I dragged out firsthand, "So what's up?".

Mirena shrugs sarcastically, "You tell me", she says.

Confused, "Mirena, you're the one who asked to come over to speak—I would have thought you were driving this conversation".

"Why should I..Alexis? You clearly have some things you want to talk about too. Plus I literally have been trying to speak to you since morning—you've left me on 'read' countless times, and when you did reply—it was very vague", Mirena explained.

Taking accountability, "Okay you're right about that. I honestly wasn't in the correct mindset— I apologize for that".

Mirena shrugs "Okay".

Ignoring her attitude and energy, I just wanted to get to the core of everything.

"Can we address what happened yesterday? You walked out of the diner— and then gave me a cold shoulder", I point out.

"We can speak about it. I got in my head, made up an assumption—and wasn't being clear about why I was upset", Mirena admits, "However, I had time to think about it, and realize it was all in my head"

"Okay well there's that..I guess", I say, receiving a half answer again.

Mirena shook her head..

"Wait so, is this a tic for tac thing? That's why you're acting this way? You're upset because I needed time, and now you're doing the same?", She questions.

"That's not what this is, Mirena. I mean, yes I was frustrated about how you went about things yesterday—but today has nothing to do with that", I honestly tell her.

"Could have fooled me—so just out of nowhere you just felt like being standoffish? I'm supposed to just believe that?", Mirena says.

"You don't have to believe it if you don't. I'm just letting you know that yesterday has nothing to do with today— at least not regarding you", I say.

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