Different (Part 2)

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A/N: Welcome to the second update of the new chapter "Different". This is part two.

 This is part two

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It's been two hours since Alexis and I got home. The whole dinner was awkward but not as awkward as the car ride home.

I was showered and dressed for bed now—but before actually going to sleep, I was on FaceTime with Tameeka. I had my AirPods in.

"So yall just gonna continue being all quiet and awkward?", Tameeka asks.

"I'm not being awkward—she is. Which is why I think she overheard us", I sighed.

"I mean if you feel like she did, then just go talk about it", Tameeka suggested.

"Yeah but what if she didn't? Then I'll be bringing up something I didn't have to", I replied.

Tameeka sucks her teeth, "Girl—for someone who's new to the dating world, you sure know how to complicate things".

"Tameeka, that's rude. Don't say that. I don't complicate things", I was slightly offended.

"Best friend—I'm just saying. All you have to do is talk to her. I understand that you're worried you'll be bringing up something that doesn't need to be brought up. I mean if you did something then fine I get the dilemma ", Tameeka states.

I frowned, "Tameeka I didn't do anything. I told you I didn't kiss her. "

"Would you have, if Alexis didn't interrupt?", Tameeka asks.

"NO—for the second time. I don't just go kissing people I don't know nor have feelings for", I argue.

"Okay..okay—and good because herpes is a thing, ya know", Tameeka says.

"Can you not? I didn't even know she was into me, this whole thing caught me off guard", I explained.

"I mean there were some hints I think you missed", Tameeka comments.

"What hints? She literally didn't hint on anything until she said I was cute", I informed again, confused.

"Yeah but you were texting the group chat the whole time talking about how she kept looking at you and stuff", Tameeka says.

"Okay? How did I know it was because she thought I was cute? I thought she was just weird", I explained.

"Well I don't know best friend", Tameeka says, "Maybe her appearance blindsided you".

"What does that even mean? How?", I was a little annoyed.

"I'm just saying, maybe because she doesn't dress like Alexis, you didn't catch the hints", Tameeka explained.

I thought about it. Tameeka somewhat did have a point. Sadie was the complete opposite of Alexis.

"I mean possibly—but at the same time, I swear it was just regular conversations. Even in the beginning, we were practically arguing with one another—like sisters or something", I said.

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