New Vibes

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I sat in a close diner that was near the workplace with Mirena. We were both off now—and this was our usual routine.

"I'm exhausted", Mirena huffed, "My mentees we're driving my mind nuts today. You know that boy Greg? His dad found out he's gay—and he is officially kicked out, so I put his file in for the Corps", Mirena gossiped.

I never found it okay to spill information about any of my mentees. I felt like it wasn't loyalty—but I never said anything to Mirena about doing that.

"Oh—wow, that's sad. He's a nice dude. Hopefully he likes Corps", I said only.

Corps is another section of our program, whereas we shelter LGBTQ members who were put out of their homes or homeless with no family.

"Yup sad case—Lylani loves him too", Mirena states.

I just nods.

Mirena speaks again, "Speaking of Lylani—I swear working for her, you have to be perfect.", Mirena says.

"How long have you been working for Lylani?", I ask her curious because I've never thought to ask before.

Mirena sips her lemonade...

"About four years now. Sadly", she complains.

"Why sadly?", I chuckled.

"Um hello—she's a total bitch", Mirena says as she stirs her lemonade with the straw.

I just awkwardly rubbed my forehead, "Damn", I chuckled.

"Too harsh?", Mirena snickers.

"Nah you're good", I say not trying to gain to this topic anymore.

"How do you know Lylani?—she seems very fond of you", Mirena ask weirdly.


I was prepared for that question. Lylani said I might get asked that time from time—but she reminded me to keep it all professional.

"Typical networking. I've met her at an event", I lie for the better.

Mirena just nods, taking in my lies.

"Why you ask?"

"Nothing major, it's just because I've heard the last person she hired before you—she was screwing. It was her assistant, a guy named Jimmy. He no longer works with us though ", Mirena gossips.

I was caught off guard by the entire reply. My attention was now focused ...

"Wait what?", I say, making sure I was hearing correct.

"Yup—she walks around like she's so madly in love with whomever she's engaged to, yet she's skank. A cheating skank", Mirena says with no remorse of her harsh words.

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