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I drove up to Jordan's school, seeing her standing outside already. Once she saw my car, she walked up to it—and got in.

"Sorry, I figured you were studying after school again. I would have been here on time", I apologized.

"Oh it's okay. Forgot to mention it to you", Jordan says, putting on her seatbelt.

I just nodded my head, and prepared for the drive home.

It was quiet, which wasn't surprising. I know we both didn't have much to say or want to say.

At least I didn't, however...

I did want to mention one thing...

"Your mom came by a little earlier", I told her.

"Oh...why?", she asks.

"Well at first she popped up with a pan of macaroni and some chicken. Providing us dinner—..."

"Annoying", Jordan inputs.

I lightly chuckled, " thing you know, Paul comes upstairs with his buddies from a furniture place", I explained.

I felt Jordan eyes land on my side profile...

"Buddies from a furniture place?", Jordan repeats in question.

"Yep. We have real beds now—I tried to protest against it, well at least against mine—but you know how that went", I said.

"That's so annoying. They are so extra. Sorry about that", Jordan apologized.

"Why are you apologizing? It's cool. No complaints", I tell her.

Jordan didn't say anything back.

After that small chat, the car went silent.


I unlocked the door, and let Jordan inside first. I followed and then locked the door behind me.

"The food is on the stove if you get hungry", I tell her, before she can walk inside her room.

"Okay. Thanks", she tells me.

Once she got inside her room, I sighed—taking off my jacket and shoes. Today was mentally exhausting. I wasn't in the mood for anything.

I ran my hand down my face, walking towards my room.

When I got inside, I viewed my new bed. It was very high up, which wasn't a problem for me. I always wanted to have my mattress elevated.

I didn't get time to actually make up the bed, so the sheets and blankets were just folded and placed neatly on top.

I then began to pull my shirt over my head, removing it.

I tossed it in the corner of my room.

"I need a Laundry Basket" , I mumbled to myself.

BOBBY'S COUSIN (Lesbian Story)Where stories live. Discover now