Part two

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Mark patiently listened to his best friend give him instructions to stop tormenting Arizona and try to make the best of an uncomfortable situation. The truth was that Sloan didn't hate Arizona. Oh, he tormented her and harassed her. But deep down the man knew he had a bit of a crush on his best friends girl. He hated that Arizona had hurt Callie. But he understood why the blonde had left Callie in the airport. Callie had been a raging bitch that month before they were set to leave for Malawi. But he stood by this best friend.  Mark was intrigued by Arizona. He jumped at the chance to get to know her and spend more time with her. Callie was sure they would become great friends. That had a lot in common. Before Arizona met Callie she had actually been a female version of Mark Sloan when she was a resident at Hopkins. They both had a track record of bedding many hot women.

Arizona hated the whole arrangement. But in order to get Callie to forgive her she would give it a try. Her feelings for Callie had changed. She loved her but its was different now. After the past 3 months Arizona Robbins just wanted to feel safe. Arizona's short time in Africa had changed her forever and Callie was so self involved with the baby to recognize it.

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