Part 15

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Arizona lay back on the bunk in the dark on-call room and pulled Mark close to her. He cried silently burying his face into her neck. He moved his hand gingerly beneath her scrub top. He traced the scar from the attack lightly and she let him. The scar that no one else knew existed. Even Callie. The scar she had shyly shown him that night she first confessed her to attack to him. She had surprisingly trusted him more than anyone else in her life with her secret.

In this moment the simple act of his fingertip lightly touching her scar made Arizona feel safe and calm.

Mark's voice cut the silence "If I had been there that day I would have protected you Angel. I would have killed that bastard."  Referring to the vicious attack she suffered in Africa.

"I know." She pulled hum in tighter. Arizona wondered to herself why she wasn't feeling the loss of Callie right now. She should be devastated.  The blonde was angry. But mostly for what Callie had done to Mark. And for the loss of their baby.

"Why would she get my hopes up Ari?" Mark asked.

"I don't know sweetie bit I fucking hate her for hurting you." Arizona said as she pulled his face up to look at her. Tears in her eyes. She leaned  into him slowly and kissed him softly. The kiss was gentle and Mark responded lovingly. They held onto each other in the dark like they were the only two people in the world.

"Let's get out of here." Mark suggested. As they broke for air.

The couple left the hospital without a word to anyone. They went straight to apartment 502 and packed up all of Arizona's things. Without saying a word to each other. Most of her things were still in storage. She hadn't bothered moving her things since her return.  She had mostly clothes and personal items. The couple crossed the hall in silence to Mark's apartment. 

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