Part five

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Marks feelings for Arizona became stronger as the months go by. Even though he thought he would never act on because Callie. But the feelings were different than anything he had ever felt before. For anyone. Not for Addie or Callie. Not even Lexie.

It was a stormy seattle night. Mark and Arizona stumbled out of the elevator onto the 5th floor.

"Shit." Arizona mumbled when she saw the note Callie had taped on the door of 502. It simply said. DON'T BOTHER IF YOU'RE DRUNK.

"Ha ha. Somebody's in troooouuuble" Mark laughingly sang.

"Shut up asshole." Arizona grumbled. "I get the bed."

"We could share you know. " He said only half jokingly.
"Fuck off!" She laughed.
An hour later the duo finished their game of Mario Cart and sitting closely on the couch. A half a tequila bottle later. Arizona laughing at something stupid Mark said.

"You have the most amazing laugh." Mark told her.

"You're drunk Sloan." She giggled.

"Seriously ," Mark slurred. "They're like my kryptonite.

Arizona just rolled her eyes.

Mark leaned toward her and kissed her softly. aught off guard she didnt have time to stop it at first. They kissed just long enough for them both to like it. They jumped apart.

"Fuck." Arizona said breathlessly. Confused. Guilty that she was aroused. She left Mark's apartment quickly as fast as her suddenly sober feet could take her. What the hell was that? She quietly entered the apartment she shared with Callie. She showered in the hallway bathroom and settled in on the couch while her pregnant girlfriend slept in the bedroom they once shared. She was still thinking about that kiss. About Mark Sloan. She once hated Mark Sloan. So much that she thinks she might love him.

The sound of Aruzona's text dinged in the night.

I'm sorry Angel.
But I'm not ~You're favorite Manwhore
Arizona smiled and lay back down. As she buried her head in her pillow the tears began to flow.

Across the hall Mark Took a cold shower while thinking about his favorite blonde. He had once hated early on so much that he knew he might love her......

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