Part 34

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*Warning mild violence and talk of vomiting*

Arizona opened her eyes and looked at the intruder. Fuck. It is Callie.

"Can I do something for you Dr. Torres?" She asked slowly.

"Congratulations. You know. For the baby." Callie looked at her feet.

"Thanks." Arizona watched Callie carefully.

Callie continued to standing there without speaking. It was making Arizona very uncomfortable. 

"Umm. Is that all you need? Because I'm not feeling well and I'm really trying to get some rest. Thanks again Callie." Arizona placed her hand on her stomach.  She wasn't trying to be rude. She just felt like shit from all of the puking. The nausea had eased up but Arizona was exhausted and  ready for the day to end so she and her fiancé could go home together.  She needed a hot bath, their bed and Mark's arms around her. Her happy place. But much to her annoyance Callie was apparently determined to get Arizona to talk to her.

"A man and a baby. Seems like you're doing a lot of things you said you would never do." Callie replied sarcastically.  She couldn't hide her disappointment or anger from the blonde. 

"Did you come here to congratulate or insult me? Because I'm pretty sure you lost the right to do either.  Never mind Callie. It doesn't matter. You don't matter anymore. You know your way to the door. Leave." Arizona lay back and covered her eyes again with the cool wash cloth. Frustrated by her nausea and the nerve of her ex.

Feeling ignored. A burst of anger took over Callie. She picked up a clipboard from Arizona's desk and slammed it down hard. The loud noise resembled a gunshot.

"Obviously I don't matter! How long was my best friend fucking my girlfriend?" She yelled.

The combination of the clipboard hitting the desk and Callie's
booming voice made Arizona panic. Scared and confused she scrambled off her couch and backed into a corner with Callie moving toward her continuing to yell at the blonde.

"Were you fucking him the whole time you were bitching about him? ANSWER ME ARIZONA!" Callie picked up the glass picture frame that held a pic that was taken on a weekend trip Mark and Arizona had taken with the gang. She threw it at the wall. It shattered just narrowly missing Aruzona's head.

Half of the ped's staff heard the commotion. Many of them immediately  paging 911 to the Chief, Sloan,Shepherd,Hunt,Yang, Karev and Grey. Alex was on the floor and sprinted to Arizona's office.

Callie moved within inches of Arizona.  At that time Arizona's PTSD really kicked in and she was almost debilitated in fear as her mind went back to her attack in Malawi. Callie raised her hand and instant terror hit Arizona and she threw up all over Callie. About that time Karev ran into the office. Closely followed by Meredith Grey and Cristina Yang. Alex pushed Callie away from her and stood  between them. Shielding her from Callie's blind wrath. The Callie her friends once knew would never physically hurt Arizona. But they had no idea who THIS person was. Standing over a deathly pale Arizona with her fists raised inches from hitting Arizona when they came in. The stress wasn't good for their pregnant friend. She appeared to be in shock and almost about to lose consciousness.

"Back off, Torres! Or I will fucking end you." Karev warned her. Callie's face was unrecognizable. 

"Callie." Meredith touched Callie's shoulder attempting to bring her back to reality. 

"Be careful Mer." Cristina warned.

Realizing that her friends were there to help her Arizona began to sob uncontrollably. Teddy had joined the room and put her arms around her best friend to calm her. Yang also wrapped her arms around the blonde to make her feel safe.

Mer continued to try to calm Callie.

"She's a fucking whore, Mer." Callie accused as tears flowed down her face.

The front of Callie's scrub top was covered in vomit and bile. Miranda Bailey entered the room, surveyed the situation and took Meredith's place. Alex was still standing guard between the women. Mer joined Yang and Teddy helping Arizona stay calm.
"C-cristina..where's Mark? I-i need M-mark. Arizona whimpered.

"He's in surgery, sweetie. He'll be here soon" Cristina answered.

Suddenly security appeared.

"Callie, come on. Let's go get some air." Bailey attempted to get her to leave the office without the help of security.  She linked her arm in Callie's. She broke free from Miranda and lunged toward Arizona again as she talked threats and profanities. Karev and the security officers regained control of her.


Yang lost it then. "You psycho bitch!"

Miranda Bailey followed security as they dragged Callie from Arizona's office. She wanted to make sure they didn't encounter Mark Sloan.  She knew that would be a blood bath.

"There's no way that crazy bitch gets away with this!" Karev was furious.

"Please Alex. I need Mark." Arizona plead.

"We need to check her vitals." Teddy observed. They all agreed.

Mark Sloan had turned off his pager during surgery. He was in the OR with Hunt and Shepherd. Mark had missed thirty three 911 alerts to Arizona's office. Derek 21 and Hunt 17. The men look at each other frantically and each sprint toward Arizona's office.

They reach her office and Arizona immediately jumped into Mark's arms when she saw him...


How we happenedNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ