Part 8

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Callie continued to act as if nothing were wrong for the next 6 weeks. Never finding the right time to tell them.

Arizona and Mark did the same. They had fallen back into their old routine of hanging out. The duo never kissed again. But their feelings were there. They discreetly touched. A leg touching the others. Hands lightly touching as they walked side by side. They didn't even know they were doing it.
Addison Montgomery noticed the unnatural closeness of her ex lover and her best friends girlfriend. She had kept Callie's dirty secret but she would be damned if she would let her manwhore ex defile Arizona with his lecherous ways. His best friends girlfriend.  She decided to confront Mark. She asked him to meet her for dinner.

Mark walked into the Archfield Hotel restaurant.  He  spotted Addison a
S he arrived.  They ordered drinks and Addie quickly got right to her point.

"Leave Arizona Robbins alone Mark." Addie demanded. Looking Mark straight in the eye.

"Wh-what do you mean? Has she said something?" Asked Mark.

"No Mark. But I have seen you. The way you look at her. Touch her. She's your best friends girl for fucks sake. Do I need to remind you of what happened with You abd I? What we did to Derek? What the hell are you playing at?" Addie exclaimed.

"I-i," Mark looked down at his glass of scotch, "I love her Adds. Like really IN love with her. In a way I've never felt before." He whispered just loud enough with tears in his eyes.

Well FUCK ME...Addison Montgomery was in the middle of this Jerry Springer shit show whether she liked it or not. These were her people. Her family. 

A few weeks later Callie had decided to take early maternity leave. She had everything set in her plan. She would tell Mark and Arizona the truth tomorrow. Today their hospital friends threw her a big shower. Mark and Arizona surprised her with the expensive crib and stroller she wanted.

Later thar night Mark and Arizona worked hard to put the baby's room together.

Mark and Arizona were soon paged in on a 911 call after a gas explosion at a local children's pizza Playland. They would be at the Hospital for hours. If not all night.

Callie was bired by herself. She had received several duplicate gifts and decided to exchange them for some things she needed.

Callie Torres had never made it to her destination.  A drunk driver ran a red light and Callie never saw her coming........

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