Part 35

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"What is it Angel? Are you okay?" Mark frantically looked at the others for answers.

"Fucking Torres." Cristina started. Then Alex continued to inform Mark the complete details of what happened.

Mark examined Arizona by running his hands over her stomach and then the rest if her body. He visually repeats the process and finishes by holding her face in both of his hand. Tears spills from her eyes and she buried her head in the crook of his neck. He held onto her for dear life.

As he listened to their friends continue to explain a rage filled Sloan so intense his whole body was shaking.

"Teddy, please stay with Ari while I go take care of that bitch." He lifted Arizona's face gently. "Baby stay here with the girls. I promise I'll be right back." He said gently.

"No! No, Mark, please don't leave me. I-i just want to go home. P-please. Let's go home." She cried as she continued to cling to him.

"Mark" Teddy shot him a look as she continued.  "Let it go for nod and take care of Ari."

Mark turned to Derek. "I will kill that bitch. Please make sure that psycho loses her damn job. Tell Webber I want the police called. We are pressing charges.  I promise if this damn hospital doesn't do the right thing we will walk out. The board won't want thar. Between the two of us we bring in  70% of this hospitals revenue. "

Mark then asked Meredith to clear their schedules. Derek and Mer both agreed.

Meanwhile Callie Torres was allowed to change her scrubs and was then excorted to Richard Webber's office by security with Miranda Bailey in tow.

Callie had finally calmed down and sat in the chair across from Webber with a dazed look kn her face. Security stood outside the office door. By the look in Callie's eyes the chief was sure Dr. Torres was suffering from sort of psychotic break. The eyewitness accounts reiterated his thoughts. He knee he had to act swiftly and fairly. Despite the empathy he felt for Torres, his fear and concern for Dr. Robbins safety due to the brunettes action wS his main focus.

"Dr. Torres. Do you understand the ramifications of tour actions this afternoon? You intimidated and physically threatened a colleague. You acted violently. I have already had 17 different nurses and doctors file complaints and are writing witness statements at this moment." Webber was attempting to remain calm. But the word he wS hearing about the incident made him angry.

"You're looking at suspension and possible termination. Maybe even loss of your medical license. Not to mention criminal charges."

Callie jerked her head up at the mention of the loss of her medical license and criminal charges.

"What? I never touched her sir. I just wanted to talk. I lost my temper. I know I was wrong but I meant no harm. I lost it..." Callie explained emotionally. "OH god. I scared her. I-i didn't mean to. I have to tell her I'm sorry." Callie was crying again 

"You will do no such tbing!" Richard said with authority. "Do I make myself clear?"

Teddy Altman made her way to the Robbins-Sloan apartment to check on her bedtime friend. Mark told her to let herself in with the key Arizona had given her to keep an eye on things while they went on their honeymoon next month. Mark was on their bed with Arizons laying on his chest. His arms wrapped tightly around her as she slept. She had finally stopped crying but still occasionally sobbed a breath in her sleep. 

"Mark? Teddy whispered as she entered the couples bedroom.  "How is she?"

"She started throwing up again so I talked her into some compazine and she finally settled down enough to sleep. I don't want to let her go Teddy. I should have been there to protect her." He said as his voice broke.

"Mark you had a job to do. It wasn't your fault. Fucking Torres." Teddy said quietly.

Mark moved Arizona's hair from her face.

"I'll kill that bitch Teds."

Teddy could see the tears well in her friends eyes.

"We all want to Mark. But we need to let Webber do his job."  Teddy said.

"I want to press charges. We have enough witnesses." Mark said trying not to wake Arizona.

"Yes. But I think Torres needs help Mark. You didn't see her. She was out of her damn mind. Saying things that didn't make sense. She just lost it Mark."

"She lost it on MY PREGNANT FIANCEE TEDDY." He was no longer whispering. Arizona stirred and whimpered his name.

"I get it Mark.  We are all pissed. We all want her in jail and fired. But Callie clearly had some sort of psychotic break."

"Ari kept begging her not to shoot her. She thought Callie was those men in Malawi. But when she realized it was Callie it only intensified her fear." Teddy continued.

" I was so scared." Arizona said quietly. Awakened by their conversation.

"Angel?" Mark caressed her back.

"But Teddy is right. Something is wrong with Callie's mind. I don't think we should press charges or get her fired. She needs help."

"Arizona." Mark said firmly. Not understanding why.

Knowing what Mark must be thinking Arizona explained.
"It's not because I have feelings for her, baby. I promise I live YOU." She moved her hand from his stomach to his heart. "But Teddy is right. I've never seen her like that. My PTSD blinded me at first and I couldn't see Callie. The slamming of the clipboard sounded like a gun. Throwing things. But i recognized her voice and her yelling and  rage were terrifying. No sane person reacts that way.

Arizona began to shake in fear again.
"Please talk to the Chief. Get her the help she needs. We're getting married soon. We'll be moving to the new house before the baby is born. We are better than just acting on our emotions or anger."

Teddy was proud of her best friend.

"You are too good Angel." Mark kissed the top of her head. He loved this woman.

"OH don't get me wrong. I kinda wanna throat punch the bitch. But I'm too pretty for prison." Arizona deadpanned. 

Mark and Teddy busted out laughing.

"Plus I did puke on her. So there's that." Arizona giggled.

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