Part 30

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Saturday rolled around fairly quickly. They had seen Callie in passing with the baby and her sister Aria a few times that week. They only had to be in close vicinity once as they were rushing to the elevator.  Callie,Aria and the baby were already inside the elevator. Arizona and Mark chose to catch it on the way back up.

Callie became sick to her stomach at the sight of the couple holding hands as the doors closed. Callie had been having a difficult time. She spent most of her time crying when the baby was sleeping. Aria attempted to console her sister with no results. Sadly it was about to get worse before it gets better for Callie.

Tonight is Mark and Arizona's turn to host the monthly couples dinner party. The couple have been together for 5 months at this point. They had been called into an emergency early that morning and they were exhausted  so they picked up takeout from their favorite Italian restaurant. Their guest were the usual couples. Derek and Mer, Teddy and Henry along with Owen and Cristina.
They had already warned their friends that Callie had moved back in across the hall. They weren't really affected by the news. The group of friends had come to love Mark and Arizona together. They all noted how much Mark had changed. He was more mature and centered. He never even looked at other woman.

Even Lexie accepted them as a couple. now that she had started dating the new head of ortho Dr. Scott Parker. He made her happier than she had ever been. She and Mark were a lot like Arizona and Callie. They taught each other how to love. So that when their forever love came along they could do it right.

The three couples arrived together around seven. They were laughing pretty loudly. Callie had just put the baby down and had stepped into the hallway just as her old friends were passing her apartment.  They all politely said hello. Callie just shook her head and turned back into her apartment. She spent the rest of the night in tears again.

The new couples first dinner party was a huge success. No one spoke a word about Callie Torres even if they all were concerned about their old friend in their own way. Even Mark and Arizona. After all. none of them were heartless monsters. They had empathy and even a little compassion for Callie. Every one makes mistakes.  They just didn't let it interfere with their own happiness.

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