Part 24

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Later that night in the Sloan/Robbins apartment.

"What time will you be home?" Arizona asked Mark as she moved into his strong arms.

"Not too late. Derek is on a short leash. Why? Are you gonna miss me?" Mark smirked and leaned in to kiss her.

"Hell no! Go! Get out!" She playfully pushed him away.

"Awe. Youuuur'e gonnnna misss meee!" Mark sang as he pulled her forcefully back in to him. He slid his hands around to her ass.

"Perv." She laughed and seductively traced his ear with the tip of her tongue. She could feel him getting hard as he pushed his hips in to meet hers. Damn her. She knew just how to get his motor started.

"You love it." He growled as he redirected her tongue to his mouth.

"But seriously Angel. You need to stop that tongue thing. Altman will be here any minute and you're close to pushing to launch sequence to no return."  Mark knew he spoke the truth.

"I. Know." She whispered seductively.  Then she slowly walked away.

"Ahhh! Dammit Robbins!!" He laughed and shook his head.

Teddy Altman arrived at the door with dessert in hand. She knew Arizona has plenty of wine to go with dessert and takeout. Teddy had picked out coffee flavored ice  ream and brightly colored donuts with sprinkles. Both favorites of Arizona.

Teddy had been to Mark's place many times. As Sloan's former sex buddy. But they were never exclusive.  Teddy had overheard Mark and Derek talking about Arizona. Mark had used the words "faithful" and "in love".  Then "Forever love and soul mate." That was actually what brought her to Arizona's office that afternoon. 

"Hey Teds. C'mon in!" Arizona hugged her BFF as she entered the apartment. The first thing Teddy noticed was that in the short time that AZ had been living with Mark she had already "Arizona'd" up the place. It was subtle but everywhere at the same time. The softly colored accent pillows and a fuzzy yellow blanket were enough to let others know Arizona lived here. A vase of a dozen light pink roses sat on the counter with a card that she assumed were from Mark.

"I hope lasagna is okay? Mark made it last night and there tons left over.  It is amazing. I made a Caesar salad and garlic bread to go with it. I have red and white wine." Arizons beamed welcoming.

"Sounds great. I love Mark's lasagna. I brought dessert." She handed the box and the bag to Arizona. 

"Yay! I love coffee ice cream AND donuts! I might need an insulin shot!" Arizona teased.

Teddy had noticed a change in Arizona when she first returned from Malawi. It was subtle but she hadn't been her bubbly self. There was a sadness around her eyes sometimes.  Teddy had chalked it up to Callie being pregnant with Mark's baby. But she had also noticed that Arizona had avoided her the past few months and spent more time with Sloan. But now the sadness was gone. She has mostly returned to her old self. Bubbly Arizona appeared to be coming back.

Arizona noticed Teddy studying her when she smiled at the text message that dinged on her phone.

'Sorry." Arizona blushed. "It's Mark."

"I gathered as much." Teddy laughed.

"Okay, Go ahead ,Teds. I'm ready. Ask me what you want."

Teddy thought deeply and simply asked,"How long? You and Mark.  How long?"

"We never slept together when Callie and I were together. I promise." Arizona answered quietly
Avoiding Teddy's gaze. It wasn't a lie.


"We realize we had feelings for each other a few weeks  before the accident. We kissed. But we stopped. Beforeit went too far."

"AZ, did Callie know?" She asked

"No. If she did she never let on. I would have one was more surprised by this than me. I had never been attracted to men. Ever. I can't explain it. And Mark Sloan of all people." Arizona laughed.

"Right?" Teddy agreed. " Do you trust him sweetie?"

"As strange as the answer is...yes." Arizona answered. 

Teddy hesitated before she moved forward with her next question.

"What happened in Malawi honey?"

"What? Wh- why would you ask that?" Arizona slightly panicked and Teddy noticed.

"You just seemed different. You were so excited to go. You even left Callie's ass in the airport for being selfish. But when you came back you were Your eyes were different. Your laugh never made it to your eyes."

"Teddy..I can't." Arizona looked at her hands with tears in her eyes.

Teddy covered Arizona's hands softly with her own. "You can tell me anything. "

How we happenedOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant