Part 28

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"Somebody better be bleeding." Mark grumbled as he opened the door.

Suddenly Mark Sloan stood face to face with a ghost. A woman who he had truly despised at one point.

"What fuck are you doing here?" He demanded.

"I-we were released this morning. I decided to stay in Seattle.  I'm keeping my apartment." Callie said quietly. She looked him in the eyes. "I thought maybe we could talk.
I know you hate me. I can't blame you. It's late so maybe tomorrow? We can meet for coffee. I hoped to talk to Arizona too. Do you know whe-" She was cut off.

"Baby who is it?" Arizona walked into the living room wearing only Mark's robe. The robe that Callie had bought Mark for his birthday 2 years ago.  Arizons stopped in her tracks as approached her boyfriend at the door.

Callie had inched her way just inside the threshold.  Mark and Callie both stood silently in shock until the sound of Arizona's voice broke the trance. 

"Callie?" Asked Arizona.

Mark instinctively reached for Arizona and pulled her into his arms. Almost to protect her.

"Ar-Arizona?" At first Callie was confused. "What are you doing here?" She was slowly becoming aware of the scene in front of her. Her eyes darting from Mark to Arizona. Arizona's hand rested on Mark's abdomen.  She was turned into his side with her other arm wrapped around his back. Mark's arms were fully embracing her.

"It's late Callie." Arizons realized that Mark was in shock so she took control of the situation.  "I don't know why you are here. We really don't give a shit. We have absolutely nothing to say to you. You need to leave our apartment." Arizona finished sternly.

"OUR apartment? What the fuck Arizona?" Callie croaked.

Arizona sighed. She knew it had to be done. She had to say it out loud to Callie. Even if the proof stood before Callie in the form of the couple holding on to each other for dear life. She needed to hear it.

"Yes Callie. Our apartment. We are together. You heard her. It's time to get the hell out of our apartment and our life." Mark opened the door for Callie and shut it behind the broken woman they both once loved.

The couple went back to bed and wrapped themselves around each other. Slowly falling back to sleep. Neither giving Callie Torres a last thought.

Callie crossed the hallway back to her apartment. Now she knew why no one would answer her questions about Mark or Arizona. She sobbed herself to sleep that night.

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