Part 13

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Addison abd Derek found Mark Sloan slumped in a chair as he watched the baby girl intently. Addison reluctantly called out Mark's name.

"Mark- ehem,' she cleared her throat. "Mark." She repeated his name louder.

Mark sat up quickly as his friends approached him. 

"Is Callie okay? Is it Sofia's test? I'll give as much blood as she needs."Mark continued to ramble. A habit he had gotten from spending so much time with Arizona. 

"Callie is still stable. They both are at this time. Ugh-can we go somewhere private to talk? Derek said.

"What is it Shepherd?" Mark raised his voice in fear.

Addison asked the charge nurse if they could use her office. The two men followed behind Addison. Mark was now confused and a bit worried.

"You two are scaring the shit out of me." Mark exclaimed. "Where is Ari? Shouldn't she be here? I want her here if this is about Cal or Sofia.:

"Mark, sit down. Please. " said Addison softly. "This is hard enough."

"Mark.." Derek started.

"Spit it out Shepherd.  I need to check on Ari- I mean Callie. And get back to my baby. I donated blood. But i can give more. As much as it takes."
Mark said

They had decided to give him the latest test results and not the amnio results or that Callie had an escape plan. That would be Callie's decision to tell him.

"Mark, the tests that  were ran on your blood samples proved that you are not the baby's biological father. Callie is O+ and you are b+. Sofia is AB-. It's statistically impossible dor you to be the father." Derek concluded quietly. Ripping the band aid off.

"That's bullshit Derek. That has to be a mistake. Run it again." Mark slammed his fist on the desk. Addie flinched.

"We ran them twice. Plus there was the amnio..."Derek stopped himself.

"We didn't do the amnio. We voted against it. 3 to 1." Mark said sternly.

"Callie asked me to do an amniocentesis around 7 weeks ago." Addison said.

"Why wouldn't she tell us?"

"I think she knew there might be a chance...." Addison looked down. To hell with Callie's secret. Mark meant the world to Addie. She had broke his heart once. She wouldn't do it for Callie. 

"She was leaving Seattle. Moving to LA without telling either of you. She knew earky that you might nit be the father. But she wanted it to be you, Mark. She was gping through so much then.. " Addie blurted.

Mark was filled with anger. And pain.
"FUCK CALLIE! FUCK YOU ADDISON AND FUCK YOU SHEPHERD!!" Mark boomed. He turned over his chair as he ran out of the room.

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