Part 7

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Seven months ago. SeaTac airport.

Callie Torres stood in shock. Tears streaming down her face. She wanted to run after the blonde that had just broken her heart. Beg her to change her mind. Suddenly her devastation turned to anger.

"Fuck her." Callie growled as she walked straight to the ticket counter.

"One ticket, First class. Miami.'
Callie spent the next 5 days with her sister Aria. Aria had never approved of Callie's "new lifestyle". So when they planned a night out at one of their favorite clubs Aria decided it would be the perfect time to surprise Callie with her ex fiance. Expensive tequila and a night of dirty dancing ended with a night of dirty sex with her ex Dr. Leo Martinez.

Time skip 5 1/2 months later. Callie had been worried for months about that night in Miami. A distraction of the things going on right before her. But Callie had spent days listening to Arizona and Mark fight over whether or not she should have an amniocentesis. But it was her decision. She shut them both down. When she found out her good friend Addison Montgomery was in town she secretly asked her to perform the test. To mainly assure there are no abnormalities. She also knew Mark's blood type. She wanted to make sure Mark was indeed the father of her unborn child.

Present day
Callie sat thinking about how devastated she felt thst day. The day that she found out that Mark was not the father of her child.

How would she tell him? Callie had it all planned out. To start  her life over. She knew Arizona and Mark.would never forgive her. It would break Mark's heart for sure. So Callie secretly changed her healthcare proxy from Arizona to Addison. She would join Addison In LA. She used part of her trust fund to buy a house there and had arranged for a job at St. Ambrose hospital. Her escape plan...

Callie loved both Mark and Arizona but she knew she had to let them go. This betrayal would break them.

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