Part 40

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Arizona Robbins-Sloan loved being a wife. She adored being pregnant. Mark Sloan still couldn't keep his hands off his wife. Despite what Arizona called her "beached whale" condition.  The truth was Arizona's bump was all baby. In fact her doctor had ordered special shakes to drink through out her pregnancy because she wasn't gaining enough. Despite the always voracious appetite she had acquired since getting past the earlier morning sickness. The couple were having a baby boy. Mark hoped he would have his mama's blue eyes and dimples.

No one thought Mark Sloan could he faithful to one woman but he had proven them all wrong. His devotion and love fir Arizona grew every day.

The couple had finally found the perfect house and were set to close on it the soon. They continued to live across the hall from Callie but she hadn't  caused the couple any more problems. She kept to herself.

Mark had convinced Arizona to take maternity leave a few weeks early. Nearing her 32nd week.  Mark had been paged into a trauma that night Arizons began to have what she thought were Braxton-hicks. But she soon realized the baby might be in distress when she began to bleed. Scared and alone she called Teddy and then Meredith when Teddy didn't answer. But she realized they had been called in ln the same trauma Mark had. She began to panic when the bleeding became worse. So she crossed the hall and knocked on Callie's door in hopes that she wasn't on call also. 

"Arizona?" Calkie was surprised. It was after midnight. "Are you okay?" She asked a pale Arizona.

"Callie. I- the b-baby. Mark was paged in. Somethings wrong. I-i'm scared. " Arizona cried and then lost consciousness. Callie caught her before she hit the hallway floor. It was then Callie noticed the blood on Arizona's night shirt. When Mark was gone she loved wearing one of Mark's Harvard t-shirts and boxers. Blood was running down Arizona's leg.

Callie had started dating an nurse from oncology pretty seriously named Lyndsay. "Oh God. Lyndsay!" Callie yelled. Her girlfriend quickly joined Callie and they assessed the situation. Callie asked her to dial 911. They tried to make Arizona comfortabe as they waited for the ambulance.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 02 ⏰

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