Part 31

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As the weeks went on the "Callie situation" became less of a situation and more of just an occasional annoyance. Despite their close living proximity. 
But Callie had become obsessed with her ex girlfriend and former best friend being in a relationship. No matter how much her father and sister tried Callie was becoming more and more irrational every day.

Meanwhile across the hall the night of unprotected passion was finally catching up with the couple. Arizona had gone back on birth control so when she missed her period she didn't think anything about it. Even two periods.  It was normal for her. But when the morning sickness started they made the decision for Arizona to take a pregnancy test. The couple held hands and waited for the test results.

"Is it time?" Mark asked impatiently. 

"Almost babe." Arizona answered nervously.

As the timer went off Arizona moved  onto Mark's lap. The couple looked at the test together.

"Shit." Mark whispered. 

"Yeah." Arizona whispered back.

They looked at each other. Both searching each other's faces trying to gage the others reaction. Mark placed his hand  on her stomach.

"Angel?" Mark looked back into her eyes.  Arizona was smiling. Full on dimple smiling.

"We're having a baby." She said with tears in her eyes.

"We're having a baby." He smiled back.

Arizona wrapped her arms tightly around Mark's neck. He leaned up kissed her deeply. Then he stood and twirled her around. He began singing "We're having a baby."

"Mark. I'm going to be sick!" She warned.

Arizona immediately made an appointment with her ob/gyn. She showed up to Dr. Erin Quinn's office with the proud daddy in tow. The pregnancy was officially confirmed with blood work. At 8 weeks Dr. Quinn could only do a transvaginal ultrasound. But against all a odds the proud new parents to be were able to hear their baby's heartbeat.  Their next appointment would be in 4 weeks at the 12 week Mark. They decided to keep it to themselves until she was 12 weeks. Then they would tell their family and friends. But Arizona knew Mark would give it away. He couldn't keep his hand off her stomach.

Mark had always been attentive to Callie when he thought the baby was his. She looked forward to seeing him with their baby.
He had already taken to singing and talking to her stomach.  Mark couldn't wait to watch their baby grow inside the woman he loved. She was already the most beautiful woman he's ever known. But now she had this glow about her.

Mark rarely left Arizona's side. He even found her at work every free minute they have. He didn't even want to leave her to attend his bi-weekly boys night out with Derek, Owen and Henry(when he's up to it). The ladies usually got together for a girls night if wine,food and gossip. Arizona enjoyed the camaraderie with her friends. She never dreamed she would be this close to Meredith Grey and Cristina Yang. Especially since they had always been close with Callie.  Callie's betrayal had burned a lot of bridges.

Arizona convinced Mark that time apart was good for them. That is was good to miss each other a little bit. That if he played well with his friends she reward him handsomely when he got him.

The next day was their 12 week checkup and they were both excited to be able to tell their family and friends. They both considered these people to be their family.

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