Part 38

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Today is the day.  Mark Sl8an and Arizona Robbins were married in the garden of the home that Derek Shepherd built for Meredith Grey. All of their closest friends were In attendance. The Colonel Daniel Robbins walked his daughter down the aisle while her mother looked on proudly. Though they were surprised by their daughters new found life changing relationship the Robbins' supported her 100% They had come to love and respect him as they have witnessed how much Mark loved and respected their daughter.

Teddy Altman was Arizona's Maid of honor.Meredith Grey and Cristina Yang were her bridesmaids. Zola was their adorable flower girl. Derek Shepherd was best man followed by Owen Hunt and Alex Karev as his groomsmen. 

Arizona had decided to continue to use Robbins as her professional name and Sloan as her proper name on everything else.

Life returned to normal after the happy couple returned from their honeymoon in Greece.  The sale on the new house they had found had fell through so they began a new search for their dream home. They loved their apartment but it was a bit small for their growing family. Not to mention too close to Callie who had only just turned back up after being MIA since the "incident".

Callie Torres had recently returned back at her apartment and the hospital after her suspension.  Following the new rules just as the chief ordered. She rarely saw Mark and Arizona while her OR privileges were revoked. But the first day they were reinstated she was forced to work with both of them when a MVA with injuries which included a 5 year old boy with head injury,face lac,broken arm and abdominal injuries. The newly married couple kept their professionalism. Callie had a hard time keeping her eyes off the two. Especially Arizona's growing baby bump. Which had popped while Callie was on suspension.  Once the boy was stabilized the doctors conversation moved on to Zola's obsession and excitement over her Auntie Zona's baby. Derek exclaiming she couldn't wait. They all chattered how cute Zola was because she called the baby "her baby". While Callie quietly listened.

"When we were sitting for you guys the other night she kept touching my belly while saying "my baby" Arizona laughed. The doctors weren't trying to hurt Callie. It was just hard to switch off their normal conversations. Talk of the baby continued as Callie finished her part and quickly left the OR. Not wanting her fellow surgeons and former friends to see the tears that she knew were sure to fall.

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