Part 18

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Mark Sloan gazed down at the woman sleeping on him. Her face buried in his neck while her body was wrapped around his. She shifted a bit and snuggled in tighter. He smiled realizing he had finally found the woman that he never wanted to leave.  He thought he knew what love was. Not even his feelings for Lexie came close to this. He drifted back off again. Content. Callie was a distant memory. The pain they felt was fading. Still feeling the loss of their baby. But slowly healing just the same. Their bond sealed by their lovemaking.

Morning soon came. The couple still caught up in each other talked quietly over a breakfast of french toast and turkey bacon. Drinking their morning coffee. Not quite talking about what they are yet. But enjoying what ever it was.

Their friends at SGMW began to notice the couples absence once both Callie and the baby had become stable in the MICU and NICU. At one point  their friends and colleagues called each of them. The couple ignored them until they became annoyed and turned their phones off completely. 

The one thing the couple had agreed on was that Arizona was not going to a hotel. A week had passed and they had spent most of their time making love and trying build their relationship. One day at a time. They had been placed on leave by Chief Webber after Callie's accident.  They were taking advantage of the time off. They relied on each other for emotional support more and more each day.

Day 10: Callie woke up alone in her hospital room at SGMW. The 3 words she muttered when she woke up were Baby. Arizona. Mark.

Derek performed a neurological exam on Callie. He nervously told her he would tell Arizona and Mark she was awake. It wasn't a lie. He had every intention on finding his best friend. Callie was still struggling with speech and memory
With all of her injuries she was looking at several months of occupational and physical therapy. She was confused why Arizona and Mark weren't there. It seemed she had no memory of the questionable paternity of her baby or her plans to leave Seattle for a new life in LA. Derek knew her memory loss was most likely temporary. He needed to talk to Addie about finding the missing duo. He felt they needed to put their feelings aside for Callie's sake. Just for a while.

Addison Montgomery and Teddy Altman were elected to find the couple and talk some sense into them for the sake of Callie's recovery.

Mark and Arizona had taken a drive down the coast for a change of scenery that day. After they returned to the apartment the couple settled in for the night in front of the TV to watch a movie. They ordered a pizza. Soon the movie was forgotten as they were thoroughly enjoying each other. The doorbell rang. They assumed it was their pizza. Mark left Arizona on the sofa to get his wallet in the bedroom. Still panting from their intense make out session. This woman was going to be the death of him he thought. But he loved every single minute of it.

Arizona answered the door impatiently.  Not waiting for Mark. Forgetting that she was wearing only a cami top and boy shorts. She was shocked when she opened the door to see her best friend, Teddy Altman and Callie's close friend Addison Montgomery. Also remembering that both women had dated the man she now considered to be her boyfriend now.

Arizona's hair was pulled in to a messy bun and was quite disheveled. Her face was flushed. The women had clearly interrupted something.

As he was getting the pizza money Mark remembered that Arizona was half naked and was answering the door that way. There was no way his dirty hot girlfriend was going to give the pizza boy...or girl a free show. Mark had become very possessive of Arizona.

"Babe you should put a robe on." Mark growled as he entered the room. He, too had been dressed for comfort in his Harvard t shirt and boxers. He soon realized it was not the pizza guy.

How we happenedTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang