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Acacia/Ciarán - Age 9

"Acacia..." Dante's voice holds caution, and I continue to stare into reddish-orange eyes, the pupils a golden center...unlike any other wolf eyes I've ever seen. I can hear daddies approaching me, but I shake my head.

"Ciarán...I love you...you won't hurt me," I catch a spark in his eyes before I suddenly lift my arms and wrap them around the back of his neck. My fingers grasp onto his fur as a low rumble comes from the back of his throat, though his head lowers onto my shoulder, wondering how scared he might be feeling as I don't know what I would do if I suddenly turned into a wolf.

Very slowly, I hear and feel the shift around me and soon enough, my brother has his arms around me as he cries into my shoulder. His shoulders rise and fall, holding onto me tightly as he sobs, "I-I...I-Aca..."

Mama and daddies are quick to surround us both, holding us tightly while Dante eventually pulls Ciarán away from me and wraps him in a blanket. He picks him up and carries him to the car, daddy and mama searching me over before mama checks my arm.

Before she's about to heal me with her blood, daddy says, "Rose, no...your healing," she's reminded before she lowers her gaze and rises to her feet. While mama nods and heads toward the car to help Dante, daddy is quick to bite into his wrist and offer me his blood. Just watching his fangs sink into his flesh reminds me of how Mercury bit me and I take an involuntary step away.

Daddy furrows his brows and says, "It's alright Acacia, nothing you haven't had before."

Quietly nodding my head, I taste his blood, and the teeth marks from the wolf begin to heal and finally close. When I lift my lips away, daddy allows for this puncture marks to heal shut. He lifts me up, and I wrap my arms around his neck, resting my head against his shoulder, my forehead resting against the side of his neck.

His arms hold me close to him, walking me across the sand as he whispers, "You were very brave my little love, and I'm so proud of you."

A smile works its way onto my lips, and I whisper back, "Thank you, daddy...I love you and...is Ciarán going to be okay?"

"Yes...none of us could have predicted or been prepared for his first shift," daddy tells me as we make it to the car, Ciarán sitting in his seat in a new change of clothes while he holds the blanket around him, shivering slightly.

I get into the middle seat and buckle up, moving closer to my brother as I cuddle with him. His eyes look down at me as I glance up at him, smiling as he offers a weak smile back. Daddy gets in next to me while Dante and mama take the front seats, driving off and away from the beach as night falls.

The stars twinkle outside the car windows, staring up at the sky and the moment I see it fly across the darkness I exclaim to Ciarán, "A shooting star!"

Daddy's voice trails off as he states, "So it is..."


Dante spent the next few months helping Ciarán learn how to control his shifting, making it easier, less painful and how to tap back into his mind to control the wolf within him. Mama and I made the shell necklace, purple and white shells now hang around my neck as I grin every time I think about the time we spent together. Daddy taught me a few more advanced moves through our matches, and he hasn't won since.

It feels like time has gone by so quickly because mama is going to have the baby today. When Ciarán and I would ask if we are going to have a little brother or sister, they said it's going to be a surprise for all of us, just like the two of us were.

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