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Phenomenally capturing everything about our little Acacia, DreamySnowflake8008 has created a beautiful cover that will become the official one as of now

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Phenomenally capturing everything about our little Acacia, DreamySnowflake8008 has created a beautiful cover that will become the official one as of now.


Acacia/Ciarán - Age 12

I wanted to ignore Lars, the way he'd used the letter...I don't understand what he's trying to tell me, though I know I can't say anything more to him as I'd promised my daddy. It kept eating at me though, wondering what he wants to show me, but I'd told him I wasn't interested. He had offered me a friendly smile while informing me that if I ever needed someone to talk to, that he was always there.

Autumn is here, homeschooling having already begun and Ciarán's behind on his reading. Dante and mama confined him to his room until he finishes the chapters he needs to. He doesn't want to though, getting bored while sneaking out to play with Mercury, Cypher and the rest of their friends. Ciarán was caught sneaking out last week...

...Dante threatened him that he'd make him soon understand what it means to be grounded and perhaps weak truly.

I don't understand what he means by that, but Ciarán wasn't worried at all. In fact, Dante and Ciarán had gone at one another with their wolves when he told my brother that he needed to finish his work. It ended with Dante besting Ciarán, though it's scary the strength he has and I think that Dante had to do everything to beat his son...

Ciarán was angry after losing and retorted back saying, "I don't need to know about freaking Oliver Twist!"

When Dante had lashed back at him with, "You need your education..."

Ciarán was quick to point the finger at mama and growl, "Mother didn't have one and look, she's queen of the freaking world! I don't need this crap! It's not going to make or break me as king!"

There was a long conversation after that behind closed doors...

...in fact, that's where mama and daddies are.

Ciarán is in his room while I'm sitting in the living room next to the fireplace with Marcus. He tries to climb closer to the flames, and I pull him back saying, "If you do that, you're going to get hurt."

"No, the flames are nice!" Marcus tries to crawl all over and around me to get to the open flames. I'm going to tell mama and daddies that we need to get something so if Marcus is by himself, he can't just jump in the open fireplace.

"Yes, they are, but not nice to touch," I pick him up and walk to the couch before we both sit on it. He looks up at me with sad eyes, and I can't help but giggle at his adorable face.

After a few moments, he asks, "Can we play lava monster, Cacia?"

"Of course," I smile at him while moving off the couch and onto the marble floor. Taking a quick step toward him, I say, "Rawr!" Marcus screams and stands to his feet, running across the couch before reaching the end and jumping to the next chair. I laugh as he keeps looking back over his shoulder to see if I'm following him, but then he gets even louder when I get closer. We play awhile, mama walking into the living room after their talk and bringing peanut butter and jelly sandwiches.

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