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Acacia/Ciarán - Age 18


...he's so different. He's caring and kind, and he gave me something that Lailoken and Taron couldn't.

Rian gave me control.

It's the first time I've ever felt empowered and it set me at ease, knowing allowing him to mark and claim me was a choice well made.

Rian is sitting on the railing of the porch, watching as Taron spars with Brilite. She's smaller than he, but scrappy and her true born self shows through when she easily out maneuvers him. He wanted to though, to learn to fight differently against those who outmatch him in strength.

Taron is learning the mental game in stride. It's a nice change and the claim Lailoken bestowed upon his neck doesn't go unnoticed...

...nor the mark Lailoken bears as he talks to Glofish and Samami. They speak in hushed tones, relaying to Lailoken that they have continued their search, but nothing turns up.

I lean against a wooden post on the porch, glancing from Rian, to Taron and then resting my gaze on Lailoken. It doesn't make sense how no one can find where my abusers have gone.


...someone doesn't want them to be found.

It wouldn't surprise me if Lars is knowingly behind this, allowing whatever plan to continue to unfold. If he's behind their hidden purpose...

...he'll have blatantly betrayed the council in plain sight. Not that he hasn't already on many different occasions, but those can't be proved. Hell...even my blood memories hold no semblance of his presence. Rian and Lailoken would have been able to see...

Dad was right.

"Everywhere?" Lailoken asks and Glofish nods her head with a somber look set on her face. Her gaze glances to me and she releases a sigh and shakes her head.

Glofish replies, "There are no energy signals I can pick up...not even ones that were reminiscent at the Thornton estate or Castle Valentine."


Can she sense or feel something about others?

These hybrids are no mere hybrids...

...but what's blocking their abilities?

"Delaney Starr?" Lailoken questions, turning to Em 'n Em as she strolls from the tree line.

Em 'n Em shakes her head and states, "Delaney is in a coma. Aohdan found her when all this shit went down...there was a note though," she pauses and arches a brow, "...it read, 'tempt fate and search her blood memories'. Aohdan's refusing anyone to bite his sister to see what's happened..."

There's something not right. That doesn't sit well with me. Furrowing my brows, Lailoken asks the question on my mind, "What do the royals have to say about that?"

"Cormac's smart as ever and said to heed the note," Em 'n Em shrugs and states, "Dante's getting agitated about being blatantly taunted while the Hybrid Queen holds the same thoughts as Dante."


Winter is coming to an end.

Perhaps spring will bring something new.

Though they continue to talk, hearing Brilite snicker with laughter as she pins Taron to the ground, "You rely on brute strength-"

"You're a young girl!" Taron snaps back with frustration.

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