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Acacia/Ciarán - Age 16

"It'll be nice to have you both home for the winter break," Dante offers a reassuring smile while Ciarán and I sit in the backseat of his car.

Just as Mercury had said, Ciarán would want to be home during the meeting for the issues that will most certainly arise. An allegation against the warlocks with something as drastic as Ciarán's wolf being taken with magic could possible crumble some pillars of the council.

It'll disrupt the trust they have with each other, planting notions here and there along with suspicions. When a none united front presents itself, it's easier to pick the wall apart brick by brick until there is nothing left to defend what's been so sacredly protected all the years. Whatever Mercury is planning, it's about destroying what's been built from the inside, using me...

As the tension and silence remains between us, Dante chuckles, "I wonder which one of you will put the star of the Christmas tree this year?"

"She can-"

"He can-"

Ciarán and I glance at one another the moment we speak at the same time. It hurts looking at him because I see no guilt or remorse in his eyes for what he did to me and for what he continues to do. He gives me this hard stare before glancing out the window.

"Funny, you both used to fight over whose turn it was," Dante sighs as we continue to head toward Castle Valentine, the snow falling lightly as I gaze out my window.

"We're sixteen, not six," Ciarán's comment is dry, and I bite the inside of my cheek to keep tears from gathering in my eyes.

I hate myself for the way things were left between Rian and me...


That's all Dante's comment about the Christmas tree star reminds me of. Not the happy memories I once cherished with my brother, not the loving family that surrounded us with complete equality...nothing.

I'm here for one purpose.

The winter solstice council meeting and fulfilling Mercury's order of protecting Ciarán at all costs...

...I wonder what Lars will have to say once mom brings forth the allegations?

Releasing a steady breath, I bring my gaze back to the rearview mirror as Dante's eyes catch my own and I smile, "I'm sure Marcus has been carrying on our tradition, so he can be the one to put the star on the top of the tree."

He nods, and the car remains in a silence that reminds me of death. It's not long before the castle comes into view, Dante parking the car before we all get out.

Ciarán is the first to head off inside while when I go to take a step forward, Dante says gently, "Acacia?"

"Yes?" I ask in return, though I catch the way Dante nods in the direction of the grounds and I release a small sigh. I pull up the collar of my jacket around my neck, the wind whipping the snow lightly around our forms as we begin our walk.

My hands rest in my coat pockets, Dante's eyes flickering to me before he asks, "Has everything been alright so far this year?"

"Yes," I reply, my gaze hardly wavering as he moves a little closer.

"Etain?" He questions. I don't know at this point what he's asking for...

With a slight nod of my head, I inform him, "I like her around. She's a good image for the school after everything that happened last year with Ciarán."

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