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Acacia/Ciarán - Age 18

When Lailoken turns to set me down on a couch in his large room, Samami notes as the back of my thin long sleeve sweater and shirt have come up to the middle of my spine during my struggles, "Is this the only injury?"

"No," he replies shortly when he finally takes a step away from setting me down. I glare angrily at him, but he turns his attention to her and continues, "Her shoulder needs to be looked at also."

"You need to be careful with her," Samami releases a sigh as she then turns to me as she says, "can you please remove your sweater?"

Eyeing her suspiciously, I say nothing in return, unzipping the sweater before slipping out of the arms. Lailoken furrows his brows with confusion before pointing at me, "I thought..."

Even when his voice trails off, I quickly look at where his gaze has been drawn. I release a low scream when I see not one, but two spider web tattoos span out on the center of both elbows. My heart suddenly races, my eyes widening as I'm at a loss for words...

Lailoken watches me carefully before he boldly states, "Are you going to continue arguing with me now, Ekáti?"

"I...I didn't..." my voice is full of confusion, analyzing the tattoos and how they were even etched into my flesh, "I-I don't...how did-I just..."

Samami's hands are gentle, yet firm when she takes my upper arm into her hands, turning and bending my shoulder slightly as the tattoos appear to be of no concern to her. I'm apparently the only one dumbstruck and freaking out slightly, but I wince and gasp when she raises my arm above my head.

"Alpha Loki...how did you manage to tear ligaments and tendons?" She questions him while lowering my arm.

"I didn't realize her form was mortal," he looks away from me when my eyes catch his.

He hasn't once referred to me as human...

...just mortal.

Samami motions for me to move to my side, so I shift slightly while she looks over my lower back, her fingertips increasing slight pressure every now and then. She chastises her alpha by stating, "You fractured her pelvis...and there's already bruising forming."

Lailoken doesn't even look at me this time, turning away from Samami without another word before heading toward the bedroom door. He's out into the hallway with the door slamming shut behind him. I flinch slightly at the sound, the way the walls shake with the force he uses.


...perhaps this will be easier than I thought.

I'm weak in his eyes, so he won't want me for a mate...thank the Moon Goddess.

A weird, tingly sensation starts at my lower back and I gasp, trying to see what exactly it is Samami is doing, however, all I see is a light blue glow reflecting off her irises as she stares hard at my lower back. Her fingertips align, setting in patterns as she moves them around and it's a different type of numbness I've never felt that soothes the way my injuries ache.

I hardly even realize her touch leaves me until her fingertips glide over my shoulder. Glancing in her direction, I see it this time...what she's doing, it's some form of...magic. The way the glow radiates just beneath the skin where she touches, her eyes transfixed on what she's doing...it's mesmerizing.

A few seconds after she finishes, her eyes flicker to meet with mine while she asks, "How do you feel now?"

"Better," I reply, definitely relieved at the way she'd taken my pain away without having to taste immortal blood to restore healing properties. A few moments later, I ask her, "So...I'll be leaving soon then?"

Transgression (Ménage)✔Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt