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Acacia/Ciarán - Age 12

"Freaking rain..." Holden's voice trails off as the water trickles down the tree leaves surrounding us.

A smile crosses my face when I glance around from beneath the hood of my jacket. I catch Jelena walk closer to him and say, "You're not a cat; the rain isn't going to kill you."

"It's already making me wet!" He exclaims.

"That's what she said," Dexter is holding his stomach and laughing. I hold back a snicker of my own while Holden glances at us all with wide eyes, Jelena unable to control her laughter. Holden has other thoughts though, walking closer to Dexter before turning sharply and stomping on a puddle.

Mud flies everywhere.

I turn away to shield myself, but it still coats the side of my body while Dexter takes it full force from the front. Jelena was quick enough to skip behind Dexter to protect herself, continuing to laugh.

"Hey!" Dexter glances around while wiping the mud off his face and stating, "Seriously?!"

I shake my arm, and some of the mud comes loose from the jacket, turning to see Dexter chasing after Holden up to the marked pathway of the hill in the forest. Jelena is still giggling when she comes over to me and says, "Sorry, Acacia," she looks me up and down from beneath her hood.

"It's alright. It's just mud, and I can take a shower later," I smile at her, quite enjoying the weather as the rain continues to fall. Jelena and I walk up the path together, catching glimpses through the rain of Dexter and Holden continuing to antagonize one another.

Jelena asks, "So does this mean you are going to come back in the summers permanently to visit?"

She catches me off guard with the sudden topic change. Jelena walks ahead a few steps while I catch up with her during a steeper part of our climb. When she turns to me, I tell her, "I don't know right now."

"Don't you miss us though?" She asks with a disheartened look.

"Of course I do, but I have responsibilities to my family and obligations," I try to steer her away from prying any further as there are only so many ways I can say this without me sounding like a broken record.

Jelena suddenly stands in front of me with her hands on her hips and grins, "How can I change your mind?"

Don't allow Sophia or Taron ever to come back.

"Umm..." my voice trails off while I see Holden finally tackle Dexter to the ground, mud, and grass covering them both.

Jelena glances at what I see; the boys are starting to slide and roll down the hill. She laughs and says to me, "Pizza and ice-cream is a good start? Right?"

I do love pizza.

"Sure, let's start with that," I manage to get out before Jelena and I separate, jumping away from each other while the boys are yelling and rolling down the hill.

"Oh good fu..." she mumbles to herself before Jelena sighs, "I'll go help them," she nods in the direction of the hilltop and says, "go on ahead, and I'll get the boys."

It's not that far, seeing the canopies that have been set up over picnic tables at the top of the tall hill. Nodding in return, she runs off down the slope while catching her movements, so she doesn't end up tripping and sliding down as well. My arms are out to my sides as I balance myself when the hill inclines sharply, but I catch something just past the side of my hood.

Turning entirely, I narrow my eyes on the tree trunks. Spider webs are strewn on them, wondering right now if this is just natural or something...

My eyes widen when I see a very, very almost transparent purple mist skate across the forest floor off the side of the hill. Glancing back down the hill, I see Jelena almost fall over the boys while she helps them to their feet.

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