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The Mature Version of Chapter 27 will be Chapter 27.5 and can be found in Transgression: Private Chapters which is on my profile. I have quite a few works, so you may need to scroll through to find it.

The Mature Version involves rape.

If you are easily triggered by this subject, just read Chapter 27 here.

The beginning of Chapter 28 will hint at the overview without going into detail, so you are not missing any important story information by opting out of this chapter.


Acacia/Ciarán - Age 13


I'm cut short as he continues to walk to the side of the castle grounds once we have returned. Daddy takes my bags while I can see mama and Dante talking on the front steps before we are out of sight.

"Stop it," he snaps back at me as I continue to follow him. His pace is evenly set as he continues to the furthest point of the grounds before the forest line. My heart beats fast in my chest when he suddenly whirls around, and I take a step back. He narrows his eyes at me and states, "Unless you want to hang out with my friends and me...I suggest you turn around and go home because I'm going into the forest."

I shake my head and say, "Ridge...he's nice and sweet an-"

"Shut up!" He snaps right back, his eyes glowering down at me as he says, "It's my choice to make, not yours, not our parents, no ones!"

"It was also Ridge's-"

"Oh, my...for fuck sake's Acacia!" Ciarán's eyes become dangerous as I continue to press him until he finally snaps, "The only reason I lost control and hurt you the first time...is because you just wouldn't back the fuck off my case!" He's glaring at me with so much anger and hatred, the blame now resting on my shoulders when he states, "You push and push until there's nothing else I can do! So...just give me space! I don't care what you think or how you see me!"

"Ciarán, I-"

He shakes his head before he looks away from me. He's quiet for a few moments before he states, "You're human. I should remember that when taking into account you don't understand what a mate bond is and whether or not you think I made the wrong choice in regards to 'Ridge,' think again because I'd rather not deal with multiple mates! It makes you weak! It holds ties to you so...Acacia, do me a favor..." his eyes come back to meet with mine as he finishes, "...fuck off."

"You protected me!" I snap back.

"That's my job," he snorts and finishes, "once that's done, I don't care. Live how you want, but stop judging me for how I choose my path!"

"Ciarán and Acacia Valentine!" Mama's voice calls across the grounds, both of us drawing our attention to her. She's got her hands on her hips, daddies standing off to the side while we remain silent. She continues, "What are the two of you doing?"

Ciarán lowers his voice to a whisper so only I can hear him say, "I'm giving you one last chance to be my sister...you keep ignoring me, stop isolating yourself for only when it's convenient for you to be in my life as a sister," he lifts his chin and calls to mama, "I'm going to meet up with my friends for a few hours..." he glances at me and then continues, "I've already extended the invitation to Acacia...so don't think I'm not including her."

Mama throws her arms up in the air and says, "Acacia...if you're not going with Ciarán, we need to have a little talk..." as her voice trails off, I don't like the sound of where this is going.

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