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amandagn394 Happy Birthday

Acacia/Ciarán - Age 14

Meliorist Sanctum

It's already been a month since classes started.

Ciarán and I hardly speak except for when he needs help with something on one of his assignments. During those couple of hours, helping him study...he opens up and allows me back into his life. Though it's for a fleeting moment, he apologized for the way he's been acting.

"I'm sorry I was insensitive about what happened between Taron and you..." his voice trails off as we sit across from one another at a table in the vast library. We are up on the second floor, Fae and Sinéad are going to be joining me as we finish a group project in just under an hour so I promised I would help Ciarán understand the theories he was going over in class.

"It's been over a year..." my voice trails off, remembering everything that followed as well. Releasing a small sigh, I tell him, "I'm sorry I constantly pester you...I didn't realize what I was doing was annoying and pushing you away."

Ciarán stands to his feet, getting out of the chair before he walks around to the one unoccupied next to me. Lowering himself into it, he stares at me and says, "However I feel about my own life has nothing to do with the choices you make..." he glances away for a brief moment before noting, "...I should have shown empathy...Taron isn't your mate, but you liked him and from what I could tell...a lot."

Shaking my head, I try to get him to drop the subject, touching a line on the book and saying, "This theory her-"

"Acacia," he places his hand on the book pages and draws my attention back to him. His eyes search mine when he states, "I'm supposed to look out for and protect you...I didn't do that. You were heartbroken, and I just dismissed it...not only that...I've just been a general ass at times..."

In more than one way you left me at his mercy...

"Ciarán...please don't shut me out," my voice is quiet as I stare into his eyes, "I promise to give you space...but please, don't shut me out again."

In his eyes, it's his wolf that breaks because I see his pupils flicker to a golden center like when he's shifted. His arms reach out as he pulls me into a hug, whispering, "I promise."

"Awe, such love from the Valentine Twins!" Fae's musical voice breaks through, and we turn to look at her folding her wings against her back as she lands on the table in front of us. She looks between the two of us before she blatantly claims, "If your brother doesn't find his mate...I want him."

My eyes widen and so does Ciarán with a 'what the hell' expression lingering on his face. Sinéad is the one to laugh and say, "Leave them be," she nods at Ciarán and informs her, "she's looking for a prince."

Ciarán chuckles and says, "Ah, I see."

Fae's cheeks are rosy red against the purplish hue of her skin. My brother chuckles and closes the book I was helping him with. He tucks it under his arm before nodding, "Thank you for helping."

"You know I will any time," I smile back as he says goodbye and waves at Fae and Sinéad before heading down to the main floor of the library and exiting the door.

Fae clasps her hands together and daydreams, "What I wouldn't give to find a strong prince like Ciarán."

I release a sigh before cutting her dreams short and state, "You might want to look elsewhere because he's not interested in anything other than his hybrid mate or none at all."

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