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The Mature Version of Chapter 91 and can be found in Transgression: Private Chapters which is on my profile. I have quite a few works, so you may need to scroll through to find it.

The beginning of Chapter 92 will hint at the overview without going into detail, so you are not missing any important story information by opting out of this chapter.


Acacia/Ciarán - Age 18

"I-It's s-sos c-cold," Rian walks in behind me as we enter the Vindicator Wardens Pack lodge. Lailoken and Taron pad around to the back entryway to the mudroom while the front door shuts behind us.


"Ahhhhhh!" I'm cut off as Em 'n Em screeches, launching herself at me while wrapping me in a hug. Rian's eyes are wide open as he takes a step back away, noticing Samami, Sha and Kermie also sitting at the table. Em 'n Em squeals, "Luna Acacia! Damn...Alpha Loki finally got laid!"

"Em 'n Em," Samami clears her throat as Em 'n Em releases her death-like grip from around me. Samami nods at Rian and states, "I think you're scaring him."

Em 'n Em eyes Rian up and down before asking, "Wait a minute...you're a vampire," she quickly looks back and forth between Rian and I before she gasps, "ohhhh myyyyyy gawwwwwd, her true beloved!"

Em 'n Em squeals again, throwing her arms around Rian while they both topple onto the floor. Rian yelps as Em 'n Em lands on top of him, his voice lost as she hugs him tightly.

"H-Help..." Rian chokes out.

"Give him space," Lailoken's voice breaks through the excitement, everyone's attention falling on him and Taron standing near the far end near the kitchen.

Em 'n Em pouts before she releases her arms from around Rian. She stands to her feet while grabbing his arm and hoisting him onto solid ground. Her reddish-orange eyes glance over Taron while Samami is the one to ask, "Did you...?" She glances at Lailoken and he nods a silent reply.

Lailoken then tells Samami, Kermie and Em 'n Em, "You're all back on patrol..." his voice trails off before he thinks this over a minute and notes, "...I want you to head south and stay along the borderline energy."


What is he talking about?

The only words that leave their lips in unison are, "Yes, Alpha Loki," taking their leave before it grows quiet once again.

Sha remains quietly sitting at the table, though she's drawn from her thoughts when Lailoken asks her, "Did you find...anything?"

Sha shakes her head, a defeated look crossing her features as she admits, "Wherever they're hiding, they're shrouded beyond my sight..." tears gather in her eyes as she whispers, "...I failed you Alpha Loki...Luna Acacia. I'm so-"

"You didn't fail us," Lailoken shakes his head, "you tried beyond your abilities to find them. Unfortunately, now we are just waiting for a sign of them to turn up. It's all we can do."

Sha nods and murmurs, "I'm going into the forest. I want to be aware should anything arise."

"Don't stay out too long, the veil is already thining again," Lailoken nods as Sha stands from the table. She regards me briefly before she leaves through the front door, leaving the four of us standing in almost complete silence.

Lailoken nods to the couches, Rian and I moving toward them and sitting next to each other, while Taron and Lailoken sit across from us. Lailoken clears his throat and says, "Let's get this out in the open now," he acknowledges Taron and then Rian before stating, "Acacia is a hybrid. She is not dormant...whatever is shrouding her true existence is something I'm trying to figure out."

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