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Acacia/Ciarán - Age 15

Meliorist Sanctum

I'd never been so relieved or happy to snuggle my face into the pillow of my dorm room bed. I inhale deeply and release a very slow breath as I let everything wash over me that happened. Dante dropped me off earlier after the brief encounter with Mercury for the apology that was owed to him.

"I never thought you'd end up in Elysium," her voice surrounds and nearly startles me from falling off the bed. When I lift my chin and turn my head, I see Nimue sitting...hovering perhaps...on the edge of Sinéad's bedpost.

My heart hurts at the brief flickering thought of when my dad believed I was lying about the magic I can do...

My anger though comes forward as I sit up and snap, "Leave me alone."

Nimue arches a brow and questions, "You don't want to continue learning who you are and what you're meant to do?"

"Because trusting in you has oh so helped me thus far," I watch as she shifts her demeanor, coming to leap off the post and setting her boots on the floor.

While Nimue moves toward me without hesitation, my muscles tense and I scramble back away. She narrows her eyes and says, "What are you talking about?"

"I couldn't show my dad what I could do..." my voice trails off every time I think of the disappointing look in his eyes. I continue with, "Why?!"

"Hush," her voice is commanding as she stands before me. I watch as her eyes scan over my form while I sit with my heart skipping every few beats. When she speaks again, she sounds frustrated and disappointed, "My brother cast a sealing rune..." by her tone, I can tell the siblings are not on the same page.

"What..." my voice is hardly distinguishable, noticing the tattoos briefly flicker on her flesh with an opaque purple before there are strands of silken webs surrounding her hands. When she lifts them up slightly, I shake my head in confusion.

"Let me release the rune," Nimue's demeanor is so different from the previous times she's come to me. Calmly, I attempt to remain sitting without moving as she raises her hands closer to the sides of my head, her eyes briefly flashing from amethyst to an electric blue.

I feel slightly lightheaded when she finally draws her hands away, and I notice the way she takes a step back...though it's more of a stagger. When I focus on the dark and coldness, it courses right to the center of my heart before I immediately see the spindling spider's webs encircling around my fingers and creeping up my forearms.

As I lift my gaze to meet with hers, I question, "I don't understand."

Nimue glances away from me as she murmurs, "...broken-" though I can't catch the remainder of her spoken thoughts.

"Nimue?" I question as I rise to my feet.

She glances at me, and a tiny smile plays on her lips before she notes, "You were marked as defenseless..." her voice trails off as she steady's her breathing, the astral projection of who she is slowly reminding me she's going to slip away, "...thankfully, I'm out of his reach to be punished for what I've done. You delving into your abilities is not part of his plan..."

Nimue wraps her arms around her body as the spider tattoos on her elbows glimmer slightly.


Even if...

"Why are you helping me then?" I try to ask her hurriedly, "You say he...Lars did this to me? Why?! What did I ever do to him?"

Nimue releases a tiny sigh as she states, "It's not what you've done to him...it's what you can do to him," she pauses a moment as I see her form slowly fading. She looks at me hard and says, "No matter how desperate you are...don't fully trust him."

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