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Acacia/Ciarán - Age 15

Grandpa Keir is speaking with mom and dads in the entryway while Marcus and I are playing tag in the living room. He leaps from couch to couch, giggling the entire time I pretend to be the big bad lava monster coming after him.

"I'm gonna getcha!" I hold up my arms and pretend my fingers are long claws, Marcus screaming the second I come closer to him.

Our summer bags are packed and in the hallway near the marble staircase, Ciarán sitting in one of the chairs next to the fireplace. His eyes follow our movements, but he says nothing...in fact, he's said very little since the moment I'd been announced as the heir to the throne...

For once, I'm doing something for myself...

...after everything was said and done at the end of the year dance, Grandpa Keir once again extended his offer of allowing me to come and visit for the summer. Well, Marcus has had enough of me running off without him, and the invitation was extended to him as well once we got home for the summer.

I don't want to be around here...

...especially after the way, Mercury looked at me the way he did when I was with Rian, though his demeanor had shifted slightly when the announcement was made.

Marcus turns around all of a sudden and leaps at me, my eyes widening as I end up being knocked onto the marble floor. We both skid backward, my elbow catching the sharp, pristine edge of the fireplace. I cry out at the unexpected impact, Marcus crawling off me a moment later as I bring my elbow into view and see the scrap starting to bleed.

"I'm sorry Cacia!" Marcus' features instantly drop and I shake my head at him, trying to reassure him.

"It's alright...it was an accident," a smile forms on my lips when I tilt my head to the side.

"Are you two ready to get going?" Grandpa Keir stands in the archway of the living room, a smile on his face...though he furrows his brows for a second when he sees that I'm bleeding.

Marcus receives a look from our grandpa, and he lowers his eyes and raises one of his hands saying, "I hurt Cacia..."

I roll my eyes, and Grandpa Keir chuckles before stating, "Which I'm sure was an accident," his gaze quickly flickers to land on Ciarán, their eyes locking for a few moments. It's Ciarán that shakes his head and averts his gaze, standing from the chair and walking out of the room right past him.

Mom and dads see us out into the entryway, mom bringing Marcus into a tight hug before she kisses him on the forehead. She warns him, "Be on your best behavior."

Dante nods and reminds him, "It's your first time away from home for such a long period of time, and other wolves will surround you."

Dad chuckles and says, "That's a good thing," he picks Marcus up into his arms, and I can barely hear him whisper, "be nice, okay?"

Marcus nods and replies while throwing his arms around our dad's neck and stating, "I love you, daddy!"

"I love you too," dad snuggles him close before setting him down on the floor. He looks to me as I've distanced myself slightly away from my parents, my eyes holding uncertainty. Dad motions for me and I reluctantly move forward, giving him a quick hug...though he whispers, "I know." Pulling away slightly, I furrow my brows with complete confusion by what he means, but he says, "I love you, make sure you're also on your best behavior."

"I...love you too," my voice holds the caution my eyes fill with when they lock with dad's, but he says nothing else.

When Dante tries to hug me, I take a quick step back...his wolf instantly is hurt by my actions, and it's for that alone that I release a small sigh and wrap my arms around him as he embraces me. He tells me, "We'll see you in June for the summer solstice council meeting."

Transgression (Ménage)✔Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora