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Acacia/Ciarán - Age 13

The bitter taste of his residue lingers in my mouth.

I can't wash it away...I've tried with toothpaste, using almost the entire tube.

My eyes are fixated on the perfect appearance reflecting in the mirror at me. Mercury had given me his blood after taking mine for his indulgence...right after using my mouth for his pleasure.

I'd been used...not just for blood...but I feel disgusted, entirely and utterly alone.

Maybe soap can get rid of the taste...

I grasp the bar in my hand, rubbing it into my toothpaste and attempting to scrap every taste bud from my tongue in the process. It tastes horrible...but nothing will ever come close to what I've already tasted.

I'd taken a shower, Marcus running around outside my door playing doorbell ditch only with his cute little knocking. I'm ready to face my parents now...knowing this should have been the choice to make in the first place. Marcus wraps his arms around my legs when I open the door inward, his warmth lighting my heart on fire at how much he missed me.

"Cacia! Cacia! You are back!" He grins up at me and pulls me into the hallway saying, "Mommy missed you. Daddies missed you."

Nodding my head, I ask him, "Where are mama and daddies?"

"They are in the living room," Marcus grins and says, "I get ice-cream."

Like the little rascal he is, he takes off down the hallway at a breakneck pace and leaves me in the dust. I'm still trying not to shake, my body trembling at how utterly useless I felt.

It doesn't matter that Taron taught me how to fight...

...it did nothing except make my situation worse.

Perhaps that's why mama and daddies don't want me learning...because then I make stupid rash choices...he could have done a lot more than what he did, Mercury knows now everything that happened this past summer. He already toyed with my emotions, saying how Taron felt sympathetic because of how weak I am...adding to his alpha ego and boosting it by making himself believe that he could ever make me strong enough to fight on my own.

Mercury's voice still rings in my head, tears threatening to come to my eyes each time I hear another awful way he's depicted my friendship growing over the summer.

"Acacia?" Mama stands at the bottom of the stairs while Marcus zips in and out of the hallways and much to everyone's surprise...he doesn't fall. Obviously.

When I reach the bottom landing, the tears finally build once again, and I release a shaky breath. Reaching out, I wrap my arms around my mama's waist, holding onto her tightly as I bury my face into her stomach. One of her hands brushes through my hair, the other rubbing my back as I release a loud cry.

I can hear two pairs of footsteps come closer, two more hands touching my shoulders as I cry against mama. I choke out, "I-I-I'm s-s-s-so-sor-ry."

"Hunny," mama hushes me and tries to calm me down. They don't know that I'm crying for many reasons and for once, I'm able to use the one they found out about to my advantage and let everything out. When I shake my head against her, I feel an arm wrap around my lower back, the other hand pulling me gently out and away from mama.

I see daddy's green eyes staring into mine for a split second before I snap them shut. He pulls me against his chest and releases a breath, "Little love..."

"I-I-It's m-my f-fault," I admit, knowing absolutely none of what transpired from that moment till now would have happened if I'd just stayed here.

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