Chapter 5 ~ Fight Night [5]

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Lou's POV

I leant in to kiss my Charlie. My Charlie! That sounds so right! Anyway, I was leaning in when the door burst open. There was Liv with tears streaming down her face and Leo with his fists clenched and looking angry. 

I gulped.

'Look Liv-' I started but she cut me off.

'How dare you, you think you can control me, well guess what! YOU CAN'T! I love Leo. I trust him not to hurt me and I think you should too! You are so hypocrytical!'

'Liv, I'm so sorry. I just didn't want you to get hurt. I'm sorr-.' Again, she cut me off.

'STOP! JUST STOP! I can't even look at you!'

Those words hit me like a glass window shattering all over me. The tears started to stream. They poured from my eyes like water from a jug. 

'NO! STOP CRYING! I bet this is what you wanted all along isn't it?' she snarled.

I was so confuesd.

'Don't act all confused with me! I bet you wanted me off the scene from the beginning. It isn't 'cool' for 15 year olds to hang out with 13 year olds. Especially ugly, fat and did I mention broken ones!'

'That isn't what this is about!' I protested.

'Really? Then what is it about?' she snarled again.

I went silent. She waited for a few seconds before continuing.

'That's what I thought.'

She stormed out. After about 10 seconds she walked back in.

'Oh and I'm so done with all this. I'm leaving this tour and when I get home, I'm moving schools and as much as I can to stay away from you!' she screamed before, for the second time, storming out. It went silent. Leo simply walked up to Charlie and gave him a punch on the jaw before storming out after Liv as well.

Liv's POV

I couldn't believe what was happening! Alll those words I said dripped with regret and guiltiness. But I couldn't back down now. I was meant to hate them. But I couldn't hate them, ever. I picked up the phone and rung my homephone. It went straight to voicemail.

Mum, I'm coming home. I'll take a train and will be home in around 3 hours. Bye.

I hung up.

'So you are going?'

I turned around to face Leo and nodded. 

'Well, if you are going to go, let me do one thing.'

He walked up to me and got down on one knee.


Hey, sorry I have been a crap updater. I have been really busy. Total cliffhanger here! You won't have to wait long though because I am barely getting any homework and in 2 weeks I will have finished for the summer so will be able to update loads.



Bye xxxxxxxxx

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