Chapter 14 ~ Speaking Of That Devil Girlfriend Of Yours [14]

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Charlie's POV

It was the day of our interview with Ellen. I was so excited. Lou and I had facetimed a few times and she was coming out in a few days with Harvey. We were in the dressing room getting our hair and makeup done. A woman named Leanne was working on my quiff, whilst a woman called Tiara was doing Leo's foundation. Liv was in the next room getting her hair, makeup and outfit done as well. I'm not jealous of Leo but... he is one lucky guy. We have gone to the beach a few times and all 3 of us were really tanned. Blair, however, was a different story. He was bright red as he forgot the sun screen one day! 


( E = Ellen, LD = Leo, LN = Liv, C = Charlie)

E: Well, hello there my friends. On today's show we have three young stars, two Britain's Got Talent stars and one of their girlfriends. Please welcome, Leondre Devries, Olivia Neilson and Charlie Lenehan!

(we walked onto the stage whilst the auidience applauded)

E: So, first of all, boys its nice to see you again. What have you been up to recently?

C: It's nice to be back here again.

LD: Well, recently we have had our 'Super Boy Bands' group with The Vamps, One Direction and 5 Seconds Of Summer which is our first tour outside of the AlphaDog management. Blair travels with us too though so it is fun!

E: Sounds fun. Now, Liv, you are Leo's girlfriend right?

LN: Yes I am.

(audience awws)

E: Are the fans supportive of you guys or do they hate on you?

LN: Most are very supportive actually. It was not what I or Leo anticipated. I get hundreds of mentions each day saying 'I ship Livondre' or '#Livondre' . Obviously, you are going to get the odd 'hater' but I've learnt from my experiences with them that you just have to ignore them. 

E: Seems like you have a few stories to tell. 

LN: Maybe I have. Maybe I haven't. 

E: I like you.

LN: You too. 

(audience laughs) 

E: So, boys, I believe you are performing your new song 'Shining Star'?' 

LD+C: Yep. 

(the boys get up and go to the stage and perform Shining Star)

E- Great performance boys. 


E: So as you know, I always give people gifts. Well, I got you these. 

A man came out holding 4 Varsity Jackets each saying BAM on the front. There was two blue ones and two pink cones. Ellen handed me and Leo a blue one each and Liv two pink ones (one for Lou). On the back of Leo and Liv's jackets it said 'LIVONDRE' and on the backof mine and Lou's it said 'LARLIE'. 

C: Thank you. I can't wait to tell Lou. 

E: Speaking of that devil girlfriend of yours, we have a suprise for you. 

I tilted my head sideaways but noticed on the screen behind us the Skype icon was there. THEY WERE CALLING LOU! The icon went off and a picture showed up. But it wasn't the picture I was expecting. I was expecting to see Lou's pretty face. But instead I saw Lou and Harvey ... KISSING!


ohhhhh bet you weren't expecting that. sorry that i haven't updated in a while but oh well. i am going on holiday in two weeks and next week, i am helping at a club for little kids all week with my friend Hannah so yeah. 

twitter: @katy_1dlover_xx

instagram: @barsandkaty

YAY!! thank you for 2k and nearly at 2.5K!!!!





QOTC (question of the chapter): who is going to soccer six?



Spin The Bottle (BAM/ Overload) feauturing 1D, 5SOS and The VampsWhere stories live. Discover now