Chapter 13 ~ Don't Laugh At Me Cos I Like Frozen [13]

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Liv's POV

Yes, awesome. I've always wanted to go to California and be on the Ellen Show. I am so hilarious she would adopt me. I might meet loads of celebrities. I can go shopping!!!!! AHHHHHHHH!

Leo's POV

Yay! I love Ellen and she is so cool. I wonder what gifts she will give us. I think we will do a 'Shining Star' there! I'm so excited. 

Lou's POV

Oh great, I hate planes. Charlie is going to think I'm a wimp. I'll have to pretend I'm ill and not go or something


Charlie's POV

I woke up to the annoying sound of 'Marimba'. It was 3:50am! I got up and saw that Leo and Liv were already up. I hopped off the top of my bunk and tapped Lou. She groaned. She looked up and I she was incredibly pale, her lips were dry and her eyes barely opened. 

'What!!!' she yelled.

'Babe, are you OK?' I asked concerned. 

'I'm damn not well!' she said harshly. 

'I'm going to get Blair,' I said. I went to the lounge where Liv and Leo were eating each others faces off whilst Blair was texting. 

'BLAIR!' I said loudly and Liv, Leo and Blair turned to look at me.

'What's up, Lenehan?' Blair asked. 

'It's Lou.'

His eyes widened and followed me to the bunks. He took one look at her and grimaced. 

'Thanks Blair,' she said sarcastically. He put his hand to her forehead and his eyebrows shot up. 

'I'm sorry Charlie. She can't fly.'

I hung my head, I was so upset. I had been looking forward to going to America with her for the last two days. 

'OK. If it's better for her,' I said. I kissed her forehead and for the 3 seconds my lips were there I could feel the heat radiating off her forehead. 

'I'm sorry,' she muttered.

'It's OK. I have to go. Skype everynight, yeah? I'll see you in two weeks,' I said. 

She nodded. I grabbed the suitcase handle and left the tourbus. I locked it and climbed into Blair's car, explaining the story to Liv and Leo.


Liv's POV

I was sat on the plane next to Leo all cuddled up watching what I considered as the best Disney film ever... Frozen. The opening of 'Do You Wanna Build A Snowman?' came on and I did a silent happy dance. 

'Attractive babe,' Leo said. 

'I know,' I replied. 

It was just about to come to Anna's part and I began to sing 'Do You Wanna Build A Snowman'. Leo shook his head and when people started to look he just mouthed 'I don't know her.' 

When he looked back, I was in full swing doing a dramatic fist pull down my face. He burst out laughing. 

'What? Don't laugh at me because I like Frozen,' I said dramatically. He just carried on laughing. I looked over at Charlie and Blair. Blair was watching the TV but Charlie was on his phone. Probably looking at pics of him and Lou. I miss her already. I have never spent two weeks withoit her. Poor Charlie? 


Sorry for not updating in awhile but you were warned. You all probably want to know what happened at the Bars and Melody signing that I went to. Well, when me and my friends got there, they had sold out of CDs, 5 minutes before we got there. They only gave them 500 copies to give out when they knew thousands of people would be turning up. 

Anyway, don't give up hope. We gave the book to a security guard who went up the stairs to give it to them. He worked with them and promised us that they would get them. So all in all, we didn't get to meet them but they have the book. 

Also, if any of you watched the twitcam last night (where they ate the lemon) when Leo said 'I love you Katy' that was me he was talking about.




I'm nearly at 2K reads and 100 votes. Read Sister SOS, my 5SOS fan fic. 



Spin The Bottle (BAM/ Overload) feauturing 1D, 5SOS and The Vampsजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें