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It is I, lord kun.

Now i want to beg for the audacity to free you and complicate myself further by asking this bold and daring question...

"Would you wait for part two?"

Yes so, there would be a second and final book for them which I would give closure to everything. The closure could either be good or bad. Whatever. While waiting for the second part of this, check out my new book, Akuma of the north first five chapters are now out. Click


Lord kun: so Darlington, we've had a LOT of comments on how indecisive and selfish you are, what do you have to say?

Darlington: uhmm... (Adjusts glasses nervously). Y-yeah... I... I uhm... I've heard them... A bit hurtful honestly but I feel like I get their point. (Sleeks hair back) I'm a pretty boy and I can't help but me overly indecisive and cautious.

Lord kun: I see... Moving on,

Darlington:w-wait lord kun! Uhm.. 👉👈 how about we leave the rest till the next book?

Lord kun: ah, right right. See y'all soon!!! I'd build suspense.


Do tell me how this book was for you.
I love y'all ❤️❤️❤️❤️

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