chapter 11

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"He gave you a what?" Alicia asked clearly amused and surprised. Of all the people Josephine had ever teased, Darlington had to be the funniest and the cutest. Even she couldn't deny that.

"Yup you heard me, a frowny face plaster!" King laughed louder in the coffee shop. Alicia joined in. "And get this, it wasn't even a frowny face, it was actually a smiley one, he used a marker to draw the frown." King added with a smirk.

"Damn he's such a kid!" Alicia mused her magical laughter feeling the coffe shop and it was like all the guys turned heads to look at her. She on the other hand was oblivious to all of this. King smirked, her best friend was really a jewel.


"I want ice cream!" Dorothy said inbetween Darlington and Josh. After school that Wednesday, they all decided to walk home together. Initially it was Josh asking Dorothy if she'd allow him to walk with her but Darlington was passing by and decided that they all walked home together.

"Im all out of cash" Josh said defeated

"I wasn't asking you. I was talking to my brother!" Dorothy said in a matter-of-fact manner and Darlington flashed Josh an apologetic smile while he went back to playing with a blue plaster that had two hands shaking and had a word on it. Friends. It was the plaster he had intended to give Josephine before she stole his second kiss from him.

"-besides, who let you walk with me and my brother?" Dorothy asked Josh, they  always seemed to fight. Then Josh, abruptly pulled her with him into the ice cream shop, Darlington just watched, standing outside.

"Hey! What do you-" Dorothy was saying but Josh forced a chocolate ice cream into her mouth. She instantly kept quiet. Munching on the nutty chocolate cold goodness, she kept quiet. Her face flushed. "Give me two more" Josh said and the woman gave it to him. He paid with his credit card and left, with Dorothy following behind him quietly. He gave one of the ice cream to Darlington who smiled happily at him.

Josh was smart. He had been studying Dorothy for over a week now and he knew that she was just simply putting out her frustration on him, he'd have let her if it was any other day but today wasn't a good day for him.

The throw walked home in silent, when they got to the two siblings house, Josh decided to leave.

"Go say thank you" Darlington told Dorothy when they were inside. She didn't argue or act childish. She ran to their porch where Josh stood.

"You okey kiddo?" He asked her. She nodded multiple times, her face going red. She looked up, stood on her tipitoes and pecked him on his cheek. "T-thank you" she stammered with both their face flushed. Josh had a hand over his nose and mouth, shy.

"Oh, and I'd do your project for you" that said, Dorothy left into her house and Josh had a loop sided grinn on his face. Just one ice cream was enough to get a peck from her. But all that he was thinking was wrong. It was against the bro code. Dating your friends sister, that was a no go area. Every guy knew it. Dating? What was he thinking?!!!

He shook his head to get rid of his illicit thoughts and hopped away, to his house.


"Hey" Lyn greeted Darlington in the halls.

"Oh...............h-hi" Darlington stammered facing her.

"How are you? After your fall yesterday...." She trailed off, tucking her hair behind her ear and shifting her weight on to one side of her body and Darlington smiled sweetly at her.

"I'm fine. You're....... Lyn right? I've seen you in catering, art, homeroom and others" Darlington said gaining confidence, a little though.

"Yeah, and you're Darlington, the guy with the cute glasses" she said smiling at him but Darlington had his face go pink at the compliment.

"T-thank you" he stammered again, looking shy.

"Come, let's walk to class together" she offered and he nodded quickly, and they walked side by side, talking about food, school, and other things.


Darlington received a note in the middle of history class, it was from Lyn. He hurriedly opened it, he giggled at the content and began scribbling a reply, king arched her eye brow at the scene while Alicia shook her head in disaccsptance to whatever ging wanted to do. Sebastian on one hand was just admire the pretty boy, paying no heed to class while Josh was paying full attention to class.

Lyn giggled after receiving the paper from Darlington then winked at him. He blushed at that but smiled, Darlington could hear the intense drumming of king's fingers on her desk. She was even gritting her teeth, and Alicia didn't like it one bit.

The letter reached Darlington one more time and king frustratedly punched both her fists on the desk, her knuckles turning white.

"Escuse me!" She said, her voice showed anger and discontent. The teacher who honestly just wanted to avoid trouble allowed her. King stomped our of class.

"Please excuse me too" Alicia said chasing after king without letting the teacher even give her the permission.

Josh shot Darlington a knowing glare but Darlington was just too puzzled about the whole situation. He was finally talking to a girl and they were going to be good friends and who knows, he might do the honours of handing her to her husband in future. He smiled at that. The class continued.


"Darlington! Attend to Josephine!" The coach shouted to darlington who stiffened at the name "I can't have our star player limping in the court at the beginning of the season" the coach mumbled to himself as Darlington jogged over to where king was seated.

It was extra school practice during lunch, after all,the big game seasons were going to begin this Friday. And Josephine was becoming anxious. She was naturally carefree but this was different.

"Ah, the Angel himself has graced me with his presence" Josephine sneered, sitting on the manicured grass. Darlington face went red.

I dont like her much. Darlington said to himself as he sat opposite from her, taking a look at the scrape on her knee.

A/N: I wonder what's going to happen in the next chapter. Firstly, i can't reply to comments cause of Google account issues but I can read them.

I think everything is going to fast so I need to know what people should like to see or this thing might just be done in 30 chapters.

Like, comment and leave me love messages cause I like them.

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