chapter 31

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Dorothy, Al and Anne walked in. Anne holding both their hands and acting as their escort for the time being.

Adam jogged over. Adam was a boy of 5'6 with black curls that sat on his head and dark beautiful skin with pink bottom lip. Having his upper lip darker, he seemed like a really nice guy. He was in a red dress shirt and black dress pants and his suit jacket. He was quite the looked with deep brown- almost black eyes.

"Well today you don't smell like crack" Dorothy retorted rolling her eyes and he just smiled, unfazed by her comment as he turned to Anne, expecting something from her as well.

Anne scoffed. "Well then, take care of her or I will, end you. I mean it man" she said and he nodded at her. Al took his outstretched hand and they walked through the crowds. She looked so happy with him. Giggling as they began mixing with a crowd of both adults and students.

"Well then, I'm with you till we find jo-" Anne was saying but by the other end of the hall, Lucy caught her eye. Lucy looked so beautiful with her white hair in a side pony tail was contrast to her black knee length gown, small white roses around it and a waist bag in the form of a cross was the belt of the dress.

Lucy was chatting freely with some kids that the Adults brought.

"Wow" Anne breathed like a sacred prayer. Lucy felt eyes on her making her look through the crowd. Blush spread across her cheeks when she found Anne looking at her starstruck. She smiled at her waving her down. And Anne mouthed an apology with a peck to Dorothy as she moved swiftly through the crowd to where Lucy was.

Anne found heat creeping its way to her face. She grabbed her jacket as she stopped in front of Lucy. "Hey" she breathed. And Lucy turned to her.

"Hi" Lucy pecked her and she felt her cheeks get hotter "ewwwwwww" the kids said with giggles. Lucy turned to the five of them ruffling ones hair "Why don't you guys run along, my date is here" Lucy suggested.

"A-actually its fine. I don't mind kids" Anne said with a small smile directed at the children and they seemed to light up. Lucy admired Anne's profile as she crouched down to ask the kids their names.

Darlington stood by the punch table, drink in hand as he looked around. He hadn't seen Josephine in more than 20 minutes and he felt responsible for some reason. He felt empty, even with sebastian by his side tryingbto make small talks, he just responded with a polite smile that didn't reach his eyes.

It wasn't like her to just back down like that. Everyone else was there. Natalie and her clique surrounded by some juniors and Almond. Isabella and Alicia, Lyn and Josh, so many others. He felt his heart practically ache for her presence.

Josh felt someone tug at the hem of his jacket lightly and he stopped his conversation with Lyn immediately turning around to come face to hair- I mean, looking down slightly, he was met by really big green eyes, tugging at his suit jackets hem. The kid with dark curly hair pointed in a direction as Josh's eyes followed his chubby cute hand.

Josh almost felt his heart jump right out of his body demanding to be given to her.

"Excuse me" he told Lyn who nodded at him to carry on. He knew Dorothy must have already seen him but since he was talking to another girl, it seemed rather rude so she must have sent the child. He felt bad for leaving her there. He had planned to wait by the door for her but talking to Lyn made him feel refreshed for some reason.

He couldn't even say thanks to the child since the boy had already run off to join a place were some other kids and Lucy? Yeah, Lucy and this junior that said something to him yesterday were. The kids were about 10 gathered around them, the junior crouched down, making the kids giggle every now and then while turning to gaze up at Lucy who smiled down at her.

He didn't know how to begin or what to even say to her. He didn't know how long she had been waiting but he noticed she was without her glasses, rubbing at her clothed arm slightly.

He took silent steps till he was behind her. Without thinking- "You're so beautiful" he breathed from behind her and she jerked away, losing her balance. Something that rearly happaned. Holding her by the shoulder to steady her. He was right behind her. Her face was flushed and she felt warmth from the sudden contact. Her eyes boaring into his. His coffe brown eyes always did things to her.

"W-what took you so long?" Dorothy asked ignoring his comment.

"Love I was talking with-" Josh was saying but was interrupted by the MC of the party calling out to both him and josephine to address their guest. Josh cursed under his breath. Something he hardly did.

"I'd be right back" he whispered to her and she nodded. She'd been standing there waiting for him for 20 minutes and now he's just going to take off like that.

He had already left behind her, weaving through the crowd. She wanted to scream at him to get back there and just be a good little date. She wanted to chase after him and follow him up stage so they'd know that he was hers. She wanted to step on his toes on the dance floor for making her wait so long and leaving her in a flash.

Dorothy had already started moving forward unconsciously when she felt tears perk at her eyes. She seemed angry. Her contacts were making it harder for her. She turned around. Not wanting to let anyone see her. With her hair down, she turned around.

The lights went low and spot lights appeared on stage where Josh and josephine came out. Darlington's mouth hung open. Josephine there on the stage, was in a gown. A blue gown that hung to her curves tightly. Curves that made people want to beg her to take of her clothes. Curves that she wasn't too fund of.

The gown a turtle neck that was full pencilled sleeves. There was no need for a waist ribbon or belt, the gown, hung to her closely almost like a second skin and finally stopped midtigh flowing down freely. She looked right out of those magazines that screamed "sexy!" At the top. Probably a vogue worthy dress or fashion nova. Maybe even Valentino!

The fabric was sparkly flowing from baby blue, to deep blue then lastly at the bottom that was lightly touching the ground was black.

Josh seemed to be on gaurd mode all of a sudden by all the stares that were directed at her by even married men. He'd gladly punch them in the nose.

A small blush was spread across her cheeks. Her hair still slicked back. Her lips glossy. She gave a warm smile and Alicia took the opportunity to take a picture before she went back to admiring.

"We want to say thank you all for being able to make it." Josh began making almost everyone snap in his direction at how authoritative he sounded. Darlington, Alicia and a few other gave their undivided attention to Josephine who seemed to be the same height as Josh. 6'2ft.

After his brief speech, Josh waited for Josephine to add to what he had just said. Taking her off the stage. Josephine had a new style of walking. She was walking with Grace but power. She looked beautiful.

Dorothy was trying to navigate her way through the crowd but bumped hard into a wall- sorry- someone's chest.

"Are you ok love?" The person spoke in a thick accent that made her look up into beautiful coffee brown eyes and blonde hair.

I like the new boy.......
My own characters intrigue me.

The drama. Beautiful ain't it?

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