chapter 51

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Josephine had scored the final dunk in the hole and confety sprayed down as she ran through the cold night on the schools field. Final games were up and she was pumping her fists through the air, bleachers playing loudly and cheerleaders screaming, the crowd was cheering loudly. Josephine ran off pitch to a Darlington who was screaming and clapping for her.

She pulled him, leaving a light peck to his lips "we did it!" She said excitedly. She brushed off some loose strands of hair from his face and he looked at her stunned. She was so happy. She hugged him so tight. She didn't think she'd be able to do it. She didn't think they'd be able to pull it off. After Maxwell left ..... She hugged him tighter. "We did it" she said as a whisper to herself. Darlington rubbed her back soothingly "yup. You did it, Amor" she smiled into the crook of his neck as a tear slipped from her eye.


Darlington held his report card in hand, the graduation ceremony of the seniors had ended and he sighed at the thought of it being their turn next year. Josephine walked up beside him and squeezed his shoulder lightly to comfort him. She smiled at him and he returned the smile.

She breathed the cold air and raised her black wooly scarf to her nose. "Let's go" she said and he nodded to her.

After Dorothy and Josh broke the news of them dating, the whole school saw it coming. Which kinda pissed Josh off cause everyone gasped when they heard about Darlington and Josephine.


Josephine laid in bed sneezing and coughing even in her unconscious state. Her nose and cheeks were red despite her colour. Darlington sat above her on her bed with worried eyes. "Is she going to be ok?" He asked a Josh he was by the side of the room.

He scoffed. "She's being dramatic. The baddest girl in school, quivering?! Hilarious!" Josh laughed and Darlington sighed, on que the door burst open "King!" Alicia said walking on and Josh rolled his eyes "more drama" he muttered under his breath and Alicia shot him a glare.

"Hey" she breathed to Darlington and he smiled at her, making way for her to be close to her best friend as she shrugged off her jacket. She placed her lips on Josephine's forehead.

"W-what are you doing?" Darlington stammered concerned.

"Relax, I'm just checking her temperature" Alicia said with a loop sided grin and Darlington looked down at his lap "wanna try?" Alicia asked with a mischievous grin and Josh pulled out his phone and began texting Dorothy. Darlington looked down at his lap and nodded shyly. Alicia tried stifling her laughter as she gave way to to the blushing mess of a four eyed boy.

Darlington was about to place his lip on her head when Alicia stopped him "if you try the same place I tried then...." Darlington's eyes widened in realization "yeah. Try here." Alicia said pointing at The poor girls collar bone that was visible cause of the dip necked sweater she had on. Josh's eyes widened. Was he really going to be so easily fooled? I mean Darlington should know that it's wrong to- Josh thought too soon. A low, soft moan escaped Josephine's lips.

Josh's eyes widened a fraction at the small sound while Alicia has an amused look on her face. Darlington felt... He felt like doing it again. His face was coated with a blush to his ear. She sounded so musical. He stayed in that position, contemplating he felt good making her sound like that but it was wrong, but he wanted to do it again. She wanted to spice things up so Alicia imputed "if you didn't feel the temperature well enough, you  can try here" Alicia said pointing at another spot.

Darlington who was being played under his nose was going in when he felt strong arms around him and lifting him. "Nope. Nuh-uh" he heard Josh's voice and if he thought he was red before, he was worse now. I used his hands to cover his face as Josh placed him on his feet and shot an amused Alicia a glare and she replied with a sheepish smile that mocked innocence.

Josh rolled his eyes and pulled Darlington out. Darlington couldn't even phantom what he was to say. "S-sorry" he stammered awkwardly not daring to look up at Josh as they sat in the living room. "i-i-i- didn't know..... I mean I'm sorry- I don't know what came over me-" Darlington said finally glancing up at Josh. Darlington was still red and Josh honestly just rolled his eyes.

"Yeah sure." He said "well stay here, I've got to go meet Dorothy and help her with some project stuffy" Josh said and Darlington hid his smile.

"Ok! Have fun!" He called after Josh who shrugged hiding his excitement. Darlington sat down and began rethinking what he had just done.


Come new years Eve and Josephine was finally feeling all better. She was invited to Darlington's house for their family dinner as they counted the clock. Josephine obviously happily dressed up. She invited Alicia who was eager to see Delphia again. She really liked pretty people. Alicia dressed up and met Josephine at her house.

Darlington's house was filled with a warm golden glow, family friends and family were gathered there, drinking and making merry. Josephine only wished she had a family like that. She sighed deeply as she walked into the warm house. "Wow, did you grow taller?" Darlington asked from behind her. She spun around and smirked at him, hugging him as a greeting.

"Yup. I'm 6'5 now. Same height with Josh" she said confidently. Darlington pouted. She faked surprise "did you grow?" She said with a gasp and Darlington's eyes lit up in excitement and he nodded rapidly.

"I'm your height backwards!" He said like a little kid. Josephine smiled at him and ruffled his hair which made him pur a bit and she giggled.

"Josephine darling!" Mrs Beatrice called swaying her hips as she made her way to where they were. She was dressed in a soft red body hugged gown that screamed hot and her husband close behind her. Her elegant steps were ruined when she almost tripped over her own shoes and Mr. Kenneth was there to save the day and it seemed like Mrs Beatrice had forgotten she had called out to Josephine as she stared into her husband's eyes.

Josephine turned to find a shocked Darlington beside her as she spun him around and dipped him down causing him to giggle as she brought him back up. She whispered into his ear "fall for me darling" her words rang like bells in his ear. She was using the incident with his mom and dad as a scape goat.

And he whispered back softly, "I already have"

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