chapter 12

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"So I'm guessing your favourite colour is blue?" Josephine said trying to spark a conversation but Darlington wasn't having it.

"And I'm guessing you didn't intentionally cut yourself this time?" He shot back and king laughed, throwing her head back. Of course he'd know that she had cut herself and that it was no where near an accident. The cut was too neat to be from falling or scraping or whatever.

"I'm just asking cause I think it should be between pink or red" king said to him as he dressed the wound. Now she had his attention.

"Why so?" He asked, not taking his hands off her bruise.

"Because those are  the alternating colours of your cheeks when you're around me" she smirked. He looked up at her.

"Well actually-" he finally understood what she had said. His face went tomatoe red as he struggled for words to say. He needed a quick come back.

"Its actually blue-" he finally stuttered looking back down at her bruise. The eye contact was too much for him to handle.

Now it was her turn to ask "Why so?" And Darlington stuttered the reply.

"Because when I'm around you I feel blue (as in gloomy)" with that said, king laughed out loud. By now Darlington was done with the bruise and he hurried to his feet. Picked up his kit and tried leaving.

"But I do make you feel something- right?" Josephine asked, her cheecks going pink. Darlington didn't notice this since he had his back to her.

He adjusted his glasses and ran off.

"Josephine! Back on the field! Now!" Coach roared and she rolled her eyes. Was it that he didn't hear her or did he just run away. She shook her head to get rid of thoughts of the boy and hopped over to the field. Most of their training was done in the outdoor court. But the gym with the indoor court is used for regular activities.


"Here you go" Dorothy said handing over a file to Josh. He was through with practice and couldn't stand watching king toy with Darlington that's why he left. He was seated on the field bench, sipping water to get rid of his annoyance when she had came. She was in a white loose top and mid thigh sport outfit. Her hair was let down beautifully. Her blue eyes sparkled.

"Thanks a lot" he said with a sweet smile as he took the file from her. Typical Dorothy would ruin the moment in 5-4-3-2-

"Thats two more ice creams" she said and Josh laughed. Dorothy's cheeks went pink as she watched him. Her heart was beating faster. She looked away with a scoff. Adjusting her glasses

"Fine, whatever you want love" he said, his British accent now fully visible. But she didn't care about the accent. It was more about what he called her. She blushed.

"Shut up" Dorothy said to Josh. He chuckled again, his blonde hair falling to his face. Dorothy rolled her eyes.

She scouted closer to him and brushed the locks off his face, it was his turn to be flushed. "There. I love seeing your eyes, don't let your hair block those beautiful eyes" she said, looking deep into his brown coffee eyes.

The both looked lost in the moment, starting at one another intently.

"Ehem" Sebastian interrupted. Dorothy jumped away from Josh, tucking some hair behind her ear. She mouthed a bye to Josh and jogged away.

Josh rolled his eyes. "What do you want Seth?" He asked in anger. He was having his moment and the fool just ruined it for him. He stood up and glared daggers at him.

"Oh nothing. Darlington was looking for you a while bacm" Sebastian said with a smirk. He knew what he was doing.  Trying to get in Josh's nerve but Josh won't have it. He sighed and ran a hand through his blonde hair.

"Just because you can't get Josephine doesn't mean you should come after me" Josh said nonchalantly, putting both his hands in his jersey pants pockets.

"I actually don't like Josephine. I like Darli-" he was saying before he stopped himself. Josh looked at him, the situation just got awkward. They both stood there, an awkward silence filling the air.

"Look, i know how you and my cousins games works." Josh said facing him, with a smirk.

The bell rent right after that sentence and Josh turned to walk away.

"You still haven't changed Josh, you're also a player. It's in the blood. Both you and kings blood" Sebastian said roughly brushing past host and into the school's main building. Josh sighed and ran a hand through his hair, then also went to class.


"Well then, its already getting really cold around this time of the year. It's just September and it seems like the weather is against us. Oh well, id be assingning to you all your project." Mrs Huron said to the class. Darlington was more than excited. It was a group project and he'd get the chance to make friends. "Lets begin. I'd call out random student name as I see fit. Or maybe I'd use the register." Mrs Huron contemplated.

"Lets draw a lot!" A boy, Anderson said. He was an artsy guy who sat to d arlingtons left in the center of class.

"Ok then!" Mrs Huron said enthusiastically.

Papers were torn out. Five letters four times for the 20 students.

"Oh man, i got letter b" Anderson whined. He was really hoping he'd get to be in the same group as Darlington but somehow he knew it won't be possible now.

"If you have A can you guys move to the far side of the left of the class?" Mrs Huron said and Josh, Lucy, kamil and Hanna got up, going to the left.

"Group B, right after A" Anderson, Isabella, Joan and Fredrik stood up.

"Group C!" Alicia, Norman, Mart and Timothy stood up taking their spot.
Alicia scoffed. Wishing king was in there group even though king would be awfully useless.

"Group D" Darlington was the first to stand up, excited to meet his team mates. And his enthusiasm fell when Josephine stood up right after him, his stomach crunched when Sebastian stood up next but he felt easy when Lyn got up with them. Those were his team mates alright!

"Group E" Natalie, George, Carla and Vivian. George wanted the ground the swallow him whole. He was in a group with the three prettiest cheer leaders in school. Althoug Vivian creeped him out because of her wierd dark gothic vibe, it was a dream come through. 

"Ok, since that is sorted out, your project is a 10 step wedding cake. The principal's daughter is having her wedding soon and the best shall be selected for the wedding, the second best for the after party and the third would be for the teachers, the fourth and fifth would be shared amongst the students..... The score would cover half of your total score. The rest of the period is to be used to discuss the project. Next time we meet, you can start the creation of your master pieces" as Mrs Huron explained, there were some gasps here and there.

"10 steps?!!"

"Darlington isn't here were guaranteed to fail"

"Alicia isn't with us!!!!!"

And many others.

A/N : so..... The project!!!!

So, it an amazing thing that Lyn, king and Sebastian are in a group with our pretty boy.....uwu 😖😖😖

Oh and its time for the drama. This should take nothing more than 5 chapters. Like,i haven't gotten much inspiration although I'm highly excited about it😄😄😄😄😄😄😄

So like......
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