chapter 52

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Darlington rubbed his hands together nervously. He was pacing back and forth. He fixed glasses and ruffled his hair before tying it into a low pony tail.

It was the first part of bake with Alonzo on the 8th of February And the other contestants didn't seem to be playing around. He felt really small compared to the rest of them, the females included. Josephine jogged up back to meet a nervous Darlington biting his lips without mercy.

"Woah! Take it easy on those lips, I've still got to kiss 'em" Josephine laughed lightly snapping Darlington out of his thoughts. He looked down at his "fascinating" shoe laces intently as he muttered a sorry. "Look at me" Josephine ordered and slowly moved his eyes from her feet to her face. "You, Darling are one of the most extraordinary chefs ever. So you're going to suck it up, and make your way to the stage and wow them. Not only with your beauty but also your skills! Got that baby doll?!" Josephine cheered and Darlington couldn't help but chuckle. She was looking at him with pride in her eyes. And he knew that with or without winning, she'd still look at him with that amount of love and proudness.

Darlington nodded. His expression going serious as he took deep breaths and faced the stage.

"Our contestant number 1! Chef Louisa!" Darlington could hear Mr Alonzo calling out the chefs. He took a deep breath. " Number 2! Chef Liam!" A roar of applause followed. After all he was last year's runner up. Number 3! Manzu !" The crowd roared and clapped, some whistled as the woman walked out. She was last year's second runner up. And while he took a deep breath he finally heard "Number 7! Chef Auden!"


Darlington turned around to face Josephine who was grinning from ear to ear. His face went beetroot red as he put his hand lightly on his arse. She had just smacked him. Her mischievous grin and the glint in her eyes made him unable to form words. He finally heard his name. He walked out with blush coating his face. And if that wasn't enough, he almost tripped causing some people to gasp. He saw her make her way back to the pavilion seats, going to seat with his parents, Dorothy and Josh.

Darlington cleared his throat and made his way to his work station. All of the contestants looked so serious. Darlington gulped down as he waited. For Alonzo's orders.

"Ok chefs, open your baskets" he said with a corky smile and all the chefs gulped. Darlington looked into his basket and sighed relived. "You have 30 minutes" he said to them and the crowd went dead silent the chefs began moving. Setting their pans and arranging all their plates. There was only Alonzo as the judge and host there. It was funny how in the span of three hours, two people were gone and it left six contestants.

"You did great!" Josephine chimed as she fast walked to stand by his side but he wasn't even looking at her. "Are you angry?" She asked arching her brow amused. Darlington pouted which caused Josephine to laugh hard. She pulled him by his hand. "Bye Mrs Beatrice and Mr Kenneth. Josh, Dorothy" she said with a court nod. Darlington's eyes widened a fraction as he looked back at his parents who waved at them with a proud smile.

He waved at them while Josephine dragged him into her passengers seat and sat by the driver's seat. "Still not talking?" She asked and he crossed his hands over his chest. She couldn't have hit him there!

"Your ass is really soft..." Josephine began and he turned to his side so fast he might have as well just snap his neck while he was at it. Her smirk grew as she leaned in slowly and on instinct, Darlington's eyes fluttered shut. "I'm sorry. Couldn't help myself" she finally breathed on his lips and he shook his head and turned the other way. She sighed and brought the car to life, she glanced at him one more time before driving both of them to her house.

He got out before her and made his way inside. As far as he was concerned he was there to help Anabelle cook before he went back to his contestant room back at the venue. He walked straight to the kitchen and tied his apron (one Josephine bought for him) and waited for Anabelle. "She's not home" Josephine said leaning on the island. Darlington rolled his eyes. "I asked her to go shopping. It's just me and you now drama queen" Josephine ended with a smirk and Darlington scoffed.

"I'm leaving then" he said trying to untie his apron but her hands stopped him.

"I know it's cause of the competition. Relax. You'd do great. I believe in you"  she spoke softly and he found his eyes tearing up. She hugged him immediately and he sniffed.

"It was so scary! I mean... The other contestants looked so good and I was so scared. And the audience..." Small sobs escaped his lips.

"It's ok darling. It's all ok" she was smoothing his hair back as she hushed him. He sobbed silently into her dress shirt while she rubbed his back, comforting him.

After an hour of him venting, he decided to head back to the venue and get ready for the next day.

The next few days was the most nerve wracking for Darlington but luckily for him, he had a lot of people looking out for him.

And finally, it was the finals. Manzu and Darlington were head to head. She had a confident smirk plastered on her face. Darlington swallowed hard as they opened their baskets.

He felt his hands shaking but non the less carried on. When the alarm went off, the two chefs stepped away from their dishes.

"Manzu, your food...... It was outwardly and inwardly perfect. Every single ingredient seemed to blend well with one another. It was a dance of flavours." Alonzo commented after tasting both foods.

"Darlington, your display was magnificent! But," at the sound of the but, Darlington felt his knees almost give up on him. "The flavours... They seemed rushed." Josephine eyed him from the stage cautiously. He was shivering. "Manzu gets it!" The crowd cheered loudly and Darlington hated the taste of defeat more than anything.

Manzu burst into tears so Darlington forced a smile at her. Josephine began cheering loudly for Darlington. "That's my baby boy!" She clapped and cheered as she made her way down to the stage. Darlington's eyes widened in shock as some people cheered with her. "come on! Didn't you enjoy having him?!" Josephine asked the crowd loudly and they cheered. She stood beside him, putting an arm on his shoulder while using the other to point at a kid in the crowd. "I saw how you were drooling over him! But this amazing chef is mine!" She said proudly and the crowd roared louder.

"Darlington, you've got a great future ahead of you." Alonzo began causing the crowd to hush down.  "And I want to be part of it. You get a scholarship to Bridget college right here in Canada!" The crowd resumed their cheers. Darlington couldn't believe it! Tears welled up in his eyes. He took the scholarship award as Manzu hugged him slightly. "Well done." She whispered and he nodded into her embrace. "She's a keeper!" Manzu added winking over at Josephine's direction.

Darlington ran up to her. It was a good thing she could support both their weights as he hung in to her neck. "Thank you!" He said into her ear as he nuzzled into her neck and tears began to flow freely from his face as he used her embrace as an excuse.

She rubbed his back with a proud smile. "I'm just doing my duties to the one I love" she said with a smile.

Mr. And Mrs Kenneth couldn't hide their proud smiles as they made their way down, hugging their son. Darlington still held her hand tightly, like if he let go for even a minute, she'd disappear into thin air.

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