chapter 36

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"I gladly invite all of you to a party at my beach house. Today. I'm sure most of you already know where it is-" Duke announced causing the crowd of teens to cheer. Josh folded his arms, a questioning look on his face. The silver team had lost by just a fraction and the moron was announcing a party.

"What? It's good sportsmanship" Duke said with a smirk and a glint of mischief. Josh rolled his eyes, walking away from the crowd to try and find Dorothy. Josephine could easily spot Darlington in the crowd and walked over to him.

"Are you going?" She asked referring to the proposed party. Darlington nodded his head a yes.

Josephine was hoping he'd say no, but he though she wanted him to be there. Oh well, the misthinking was beautiful.

"Hey um-" a deep voice broke causing both Josephine and Darlington to turn in his direction. The owner of the voice was a dark, tall, buffed up guy with curly black hair. He was clearly from the other team and he looked somewhat shy.

"What?" Josephine asked causing the guy to flinch a little at her tone. Darlington rolled his eyes, stepping in front of her.

"Hello" he said softly causing the guy to relax as he met soft deep blue eyes but he couldn't help but hear silent warnings from piercing grey eyes.

"I see that ma man Duke has been talking to you." He spoke more confidently to Darlington who nodded up at him. The guy- Moses - had an urban tone. The deep type that would drive you insane if lowered and whispered into your ear.

"You see uhm, he's like, really into guys and since I've been there, I'd advice you not to because like uhm- you might look it but I know you're not and uhm, he's rough and he'd boggle yo' ass and I ain't playing man" Moses said rubbing his hands as he spoke. Darlington went red with embarrassment.

He couldn't find words so he avoided eye contact which made Josephine scoff. "Tell Duke, that I'd personally end him if he touched this boy you know why?" Josephine said in a threatening manner, the question making Moses to shake his head rapidly a no. He seemed scared for some reason. Josephine smirked wrapping one hand around Darlington's waist and pulling him closer causing him to let out a yelp. "Cause he's with me" she said possesively.

"I ain't taking him away from you lady. I'm just warning him ya know. Cause even if he be looking like desert from those Mexican restaurant, I love my balls intact" Moses said backing it up. He practically back walked with his hand up in defence. Alicia ran into Josephine's arms, causing her to let go of him and not even give him an explanation of what just happened.

Josephine wrapped her arms around her best friend nuzzling her pink hair. Alicia snuggled in closer. She could feel the excitement bubbling off her best friend who was content with holding her.

Darlington excused himself, taking a stroll through the crowd when he bumped into someone. "S-sorry" he said trying to steady himself as he adjusted his glasses and looked up at the person he had bumped into.

"It's ok baby boy" Duke smirked. Darlington cringed at what he called him. "So I'd see you tonight?" Duke whispered, leaning into Darlington's ear enough to let him see Moses in the distance shaking his head in pity.

"Sure" Darlington dragged finally putting some distance between them. Duke waved him out, going ahead to continue roaming about.

"You were pretty awesome!" Dorothy said excitedly as her and Josh ate at king burger. They had ditched the little gathering for a quick date. Before he had to go to the party or Darlington began looking for her.

She had fries in her mouth while sparkling up at Josh who was eating from his burger looking at her in awe. She seemed to be full of life and her sarcastic retorts towards him and somewhat reduced. "It was like right out of this anime with basket ball players!" Dorothy spoke again sounding proud of him.

Josh laughed a little. "And on a different note, there was this guy at the game today. He was hitting on Darlington but I hit him with my volleyball ball. He seemed really corcky and cranky. Blew. Josephine wins 10 more points in my book for just seeing him!" Dorothy said while munching on her fries and sipping from her sprite with her straw.

Josh threw his head back laughing. He was sure who she was talking about. Soon enough he checked his watch. "I've got to get you home love." He spoke making her pout but non the less she stood up and followed him out after he had paid with a "keep the change" and a smile. Player.

Darlington threw on a baby blue floral top and a matching short. He had his flip flop on even though he felt wierd having to show off that much leg skin. He walked outside to where Josh was waiting for him. It was already 5pm and he told his mom that he was going out with his friends (he didn't see the point in trying to cover up since she seemed proud of him for unknown reasons.)

Josh mouthed his sorry as he drove quietly with just the soft music from the radio filling their silence. On getting there, Josh and Darlington were immediately separated by the crowd. The party was very close to the beach so it was no surprise seeing people in their bikinis near the water. Most dancing to loud music and doing unholy things that made darlington cringe. What made things worse was that there was a couch with student making out. He wasnt even sure if everyone there went to high school. Some seemed to be from college.

Darlington noticed a small beach house with light and booming music. He walked over to it. The sand getting into his slip ons were starting to piss him off so he needed somewhere with concrete. He stepped in to see the place also filled up but this time by mostly guys. There was a pool table, PlayStation, Jacuzzi, a mini bar, couches and many more. Darlington ignored or rather was oblivious to the hungry stares from the guys around him as he walked further into the building, looking for a half decent place.

A place that wasn't too crowded, and so he took his seat at the bar. He pulled out his earphones and switched to YouTube with his data on. He began browsing through cooking videos. Alternating from the cooking shows and cat memes. He'd laugh out occasionally getting a smirks and seductive glances from some of the guys.

He finally ordered for a vodka which he was given almost immediately. It was strong. But not enough. He just felt like going to look for Josephine. Probably hugging her. He missed her warmth more than ever. After his 5th cup he damned his reasoning and attempted standing up but he was pushed back into the stool but strong arms. "Where are you going baby boy?" A low growling tone came making Darlington scrunch up his nose.

After a moment of him not replying, Duke sighed taking the seat beside him. "You don't like me much now do you baby boy?" He spoke again. This time Darlington shot up to look him dead in the eyes.

"I've only known you for what? 6 hours?" Darlington shot back with a scoff and an eye roll adjusting his glasses. Duke wasn't someone to take no for an answer. He trailed his rough hand on Darlington's thigh. He was lifting his blue shorts higher causing Darlington to hiccup feeling uncomfortable. Darlington was red to his ears.

"You don't have anyone do you? I can claim you as mine can't I?" Duke smirked dangerously. His eyes shining with lust.

"I-I do. Y-you cant" Darlington managed to stammer as he held Duke by the wrist. Stopping his hand from roaming any higher.

Duke noticed that Darlington wasn't joking around anymore. He seemed dead serious and was pissed off by him trying to get above him. "Ok then. Go ahead. Kiss someone here this instant or I would find you and I'd f*ck You bloody" duke treathened dangerously close. Darlington felt tears prick at his eyes but he held his own. "If you have doubts, ask around. I'd find you. I'd gladly go to jail if its for you" Duke added and Darlington pushed him.

Actually shoved him by the chest and getting up. Duke almost fell from the bar stool but caught himself. Darlington walked out, into the cold air of the night. His drunken state made him question if the ocean could freeze. He shook his head. He was even drunk. He looked till he found her. Brunnet hair, grey eyes. She was in a sweater and slacks, a cup in hand, she stood admist the partying girls and boys just observing the environment.

Darlington clenched his fists. He was sure whatever he did he wasn't doing it because of what Duke said. And with each step he took he became more sure that what ever he was about to do was for his urges. Hell he knew it from the start but what happened with Duke was a good excuse and he won't pass up the opportunity...........

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