chapter 39

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Josephine got home by 6pm that day. It was a very long and tiring day but it was really fun. The most fun she had had in months. No surprise that her phone vibrated at 7pm.

It was a group message. "Cakes and cookies" she had no doubt that it was Darlington who made it. It had his essence on it. It was cute.

"Am I in wonderland?" Was the first message from Lyn.

Josephine laughed to herself as she walked up the flight of stairs to her room to have a quick shower.

Sebastian was at Lyn's as she was too drunk to get home herself. No one was home. Her house was big. Billionaire club. Sebastian greeted one of the maids who let him in and showed him the way to her room. She had been the first to text on Darlington's group and after that just stared at her screen sobbing lightly but her body was evidently shaking.

Sebastian now has to carry her all the way to her room. He sighed a little angry. He set her down on her queen sized bed, wanting to leave, she held him back. "Please stay..." She trailed off.

"I've got to get paid for this" he stated pulling out the seat from her study desk that was excessively large and sitting beside her.

"You know I like him don't you?" She spoke finally biting her lip. Sebastian knew exactly who she was talking about. "I've liked him for a very long time. I met him when I was 5. My dad and I went to their restaurant and I ordered a cup cake" she smiled at the taught of the memory. "He was the cutest thing I had ever seen. Not to mention clumsy too. So why can't he fall for me already?" She asked Sebastian who sighed. "I waited for him. For so damn long. It hurt a lot. I fell for Josh, but he just used me for a dumb art project! I'm scared Seth. Why can't he love me?" She asked more, sobbing into her hands.

Sebastian looked at her in pity. "I know how you feel" he said back. Lyn quickly wiped her tears with her palm as she sat straighter.

"You can tell me. I probably won't remember by tomorrow" Lyn said getting under her covers but not fully. When Sebastian didn't reply, Lyn continued. "She has used you too hasn't she? She has used Almond too. And so many others. She's even using that poor girl, Alicia"

"I knew what I was getting myself into. Most people did. They knew she'd hurt them. But what can I say? Love makes you do stupid things." Sebastian breathed. "Besides, she fell for our number one, Maxwell. It was funny because, I wanted to win her over so I wanted to be better than her but no matter how hard I tried, I was always third place. I was close to Maxwell too but instead he handed his jersey over to a girl. It was annoying." Sebastian chuckled without humour.

"I'm sorry" Lyn sympathized and he nodded at her. "Could you lay with me?" She begged. "I just need to feel someone" Sebastian shrugged. He climbed in beside her as she cuddled closer to him. "You could go on" she said after she was comfortable and he continued his little story.

"She has upbringing troubles too. She was feeling dejected since most people didn't like her at first and only cared about her looks. The first time I met her was when she was 12 and she was in front of that boys house saying she was waiting for someone special. She had an accident a month later, in front of that same house. Obviously the perpetrator knew she went there frequently. It was a hit and run. But it didn't temper much with her memories. At 13, Alicia confessed to her but she turned her down. She said she wouldn't want to hurt her like that so Alicia begged to have the tittle of her best friend. Alicia brought this in herself. At 15, Josephine started chain smoking when her pneumonia was in a chronic stage. She tried stopping but she was already addicted." He paused,

He just remembered something. When she was 15...

~flash back~

Josephine and Sebastian were the only ones left in school. It was a heavy down pour and they were the only ones in school. Both in their jerseys. Josephine was wearing a number 2 and him four. They were talking casually, about school, other relatiinships, the big game and all. She was grinning from ear to ear, excited and he was admiring her. They were seated on desks close to one another watching the rain pour down. He leaned in causing her to stop talking immediately. They were inches apart. He was leaning in, closer to her. Their lips met causing both their cheeks to have a tint of red. His deeper than hers.

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