chapter 60

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"so....." Darlington began awkwardly as Alicia sat on his bed as he packed his things. "Mhm?" She asked looking at him briefly before going back to looking at her phone while he dug through his wordrobe for some warm clothes and out fell the sweatshirt he had stolen from Josephine that one time at her house. He picked up, caressing it with his thumb. "If I wanted to.... Uhm.... You know..." Darlington said awkwardly and Alicia arched a brow at him.

He looked to the floor playing with his toes with the other. She kept staring at him. "What is it darl?" She questioned. "W-well... I mean like theoretically speaking, if I've never d-done it before a-and I wanted to... You know.... P-please her w-what do you-" Alicia burst into laughter causing Darlington to be red to his head. She whipped an invincible tear from her face. The innocent passerby who was just strolling down to the kitchen stopped in his tracks. "Say what now?" Damian asked putting his head into Darlington's room. If anything Darlington wanted the ground to swallow him as soon as possible, ok probably that instant.

"Oh la la... What do we have here?" Alicia said eyeing Damian with a whistle. "I'm the older version of him plus swag" Damian said leaning against the door frame arms crossed over his chest as he winked at her. Damn right he was! Alicia's eyes widened a fraction. It was like Damian and Dorothy were from a whole different world. She smirked at him. "Too bad I'm gay" she said. "It's your loss beautiful" Damian said rather confidently as he let himself into his little brothers room.

"So I was hearing please and a her.... Who you tryna please?" Damian asked a Darlington he just seemed to be taking his packing very seriously as he had even started taking what he didn't need. "Josephine" Alicia answered and Damian laughed. "Little JoJo aye?" He questioned again. Alicia had heard about how familiar they were with one another before. "I suggest porn!" Damian announced rather loudly before exciting the room without giving Darlington or Alicia a chance to process his words. Darlington just looked down at his toes. Pathetic honestly. He wanted to.... He'd been having these urges for some time now and he just wanted to hold her or be held really tightly by her. So tight there wouldn't be any distance between them.

Alicia checked the time on her phone. "We'd better head to the airport if we want to make it in time." Alicia said with a small smile to help ease his tension and her speaking softly to him was a bonus as he smiled back at her sweetly.

After boarding the flight and getting seated side by side, Darlington pulled out his phone and ear buds. He looked nervous and shaky as he put on his ear buds. Alicia arched a brow at him as she watched him go to his browser. The first thing that came to her mind was.... This dude has really never watched- she tapped on his shoulder making him jump. "You don't have to watch porn or read erotic books to be guided. Just leave it all to Josephine. If it's to happen, it'll happen" Alicia said with a warm smile and Darlington nodded embarrassed. He was really about to..... He shook his head. "There's this cartoon movie that... Like I mean would you like to..." Darlington was asking somehow feeling a loss of words as he played with his hands. Alicia smiled at him "this doesn't mean we're friends" Alicia said trying to make her point clear to a smiley Darlington who ignored her words. "If you say so Alice in wonderland" he called and she grimaced at the nickname.

On arriving at San Francisco, Alicia made a suggestion. "Are you sure?" Darlington asked her.

She nodded softly at her and they parted ways. Alicia had her things delivered to a hotel while she made her way to an old familiar chocolate drink bar.

Josephine leaned further into the counter, looking at her cup. The chocolate didn't seem to taste half as good despite being warm and the way she liked it. She put her hand up signalling to be attended to and so she was, "vodka. Your strongest please" Josephine said slowly and the bar tender nodded. "I'd have what she's having" Josephine heard, she turned to her left slightly to see the well dressed Spanish looking female officer taking a sit. Josephine chose not to concern herself with her as she couldn't afford getting in trouble with the cops. "Here" the woman said handing over to her a small neatly folded piece of paper. Josephine eyed it before taking it cautiously from her, opening it up. "Yo! Josephine!
You bloody douchebag!" She arched a brow at the officer who just looked away taking a sip from her drink. "Where have you been? Everyone's been worried sick. We miss you. I miss you. I'm sorry for everything, the way I acted, the kiss and everything in general. You shouldn't hide your problems all the time! We are here, I've been here. You could always talk to me. Want to know who wrote this?" Josephine looked up again before continuing "turn around" she looked at the officer once more who just tipped her glass in the direction behind Josephine and as expected she turned.

Alicia waved at her. Josephine looked at the letter then back up. "A-alicia?" Josephine chocked. The officer took Josephine's drinking turning to the bar tender "she's paying" with that she took both glasses at Josephine. "Good luck" she said to Josephine before getting to Alicia saying "call me" with a wink then out the door. Josephine rushed up to Alicia embracing her. "How-why- I don't understand" Josephine said lost. "I'm your best friend remember? I know you more than you think" Alicia sat her down... After half an hour of talking Alicia smiled and said. "The funny thing is I'm only the distraction" Josephine arched her brow at her best friend. "Run along to your cabin Jojo" Alicia smiled at her and Josephine didn't even think twice before paying for her drinks and getting her keys. She kissed Alicia on the forehead as she pulled on her jacket, rushing out.

"Wow. Teenagers this days. Can't even appreciate friendship" the cop from earlier muttered as she saw Josephine run out in a haste. Alicia came out slowly not really understanding why silent tears were rolling down her eyes freely. "She'd appreciate the gesture of a lover more" Alicia said, her voice breaking slightly. The cup shrugged. Happy that she got two drinks for free.

Josephine ran to her cabin after being dropped off close by. The sent of fresh food that she hadn't eaten in days filled her nostrils as she made her way up the front porche and into the small kitchen. Her eyes began to water, there in a white apron with his back turned to her was Darlington. She chocked on her tears causing Darlington to turn slightly. "I'm sorry" he said turning to face her fully. "I-i-i- messed up big time. And I shouldn't have" Josephine just watched him. She couldn't help herself as she pulled him in for a hug. "It hurts.... It hurts so much..." Was all she could say into the crock of his neck.

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