chapter 53

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Josephine paced around the room as she watched her wrist watch. "Come on darling we're going to be late!" Josephine yelled up stairs hoping he'd get down that instant. Dorothy shook her head beside Josephine. As she asked "what's taking him so long?" Dorothy held back a laughter.

"He said he couldn't find his lucky underwear" she giggled slightly then cleared her throat. Josephine stopped, looked to her side crocking her head a bit and arching a brow.

Was he for real? Lucky underwear?!!! "It's just a beach house in San Francisco what the hell does he-" she paused as she saw Darlington tug his bag along as he walked down stairs.

"S-sorry. I was looking for something very important." He tried explaining avoiding eye contact.

"Yes. A boxer short" she muttered rolling her eyes. Darlington went red as he glared at Dorothy who snickered away. "Let's go" she said taking the suitcase from him effortlessly.

He nodded as he followed her with Dorothy behind him.

The beautiful month of July sent heat waves to mock shivers. And Josephine decided to take them to her beach house in San Francisco. It wasn't exactly a beach house seeing as how it was in the woods, it was more like a log cabin.

The fact that they were taking a plane didn't shock the two siblings, nope, not at all. It was the fact that they were taking Josh's dad's private jet that amazed the siblings while the cousins smirked at their awe.

After they arrived at San Francisco, a car pulled up with a Butler, offering them a ride to their destination.

The cabin was beautiful. The window was glass like and there was a huge fence around the wide yard. With a small fountain in the middle of the front yard. The log house was really standard, with a penthouse balcony. The Woody texture with a bit of white outlines gave the cabin a warm look. The chimney gave the house a mythical look. Darlington's and Dorothy's eyes widened. "There's an indoor hot spring tub inside." Josh said to further peek their curiosity.

Dorothy brought out her phone and took some pictures. When they got down from the car, Dorothy took more pictures. "Let's go inside" Josephine suggested so they could leave the two alone. And Darlington nodded following her to see the marvels of the house.

"Wow this view is amazing!" Dorothy exclaimed as she walked closer to the house's side so she could see the pictures she had taken clearly. "That's odd, thought I was your best view" Josh said with a boyish grin and Dorothy rolled her eyes. "You're my corckiest view" she replied not taking her eyes off her phone as she scrolled through her gallery. She didn't even notice the shadow that was looking over her till she felt absolute shuddering warmth on her ear. "But... I am your best view..... Right?" Blush rushed up to her face at the sound of his husky voice.

"Guys it time to unpack-" Darlington began but what was before him shocked him to the bone. "I-i-" he began to stammer as the two broke apart. Dorothy hid her face in embarrassment. Josh avoided eye contact. "stupid darling" Josephine said coming up from behind him, smacking his ass which made him to jolt in surprise and his blush deepened. "But seriously guys, get a room. We've got to unpack before we head out to the beach. I've got to meet with Alicia later too" Josephine said, slipping her hand to pull Darlington closer by his waist.

Josh put his hand around Dorothy's shoulders giving her a light peck on the forehead. "Let's get unpacking" Josh said stretching and yawning. "I'm tired."

"I'd take it from here. Go inside and rest." Dorothy said rolling up her sleeves as she put her phone into his pockets. Josh had a smile of satisfaction as he watches her. Josephine helped everyone take their bags inside while Dorothy set things up.

After the place was neatly arranged, Darlington layed flat on his belly on his bed that was I the Sam room as Dorothy's and drifted off into a warm slumber.

"Darling!!" Was what woke him up after almost an hour. He rushed out of his room, past the indoor hot spring and to where his name was being called. It was by the island of the kitchen. "I saw this challenge and we should try it!" Josephine said excitedly. Darlington knew it was nothing good. "Who can keep their hands off each other the longest." She said and he arched a brow but he yawned.

"But we're not touching right now" he said rubbing at his eye.

"I wasn't done" Josephine said walking closer to him... "During a make out session. I mean, you can back down if you're too chicken" she said the last part to tease him.

The last time he touched her... The last time his lips were on her neck... He went beetroot red as he remembered it. "Are you in? Or do I have to meet Alicia?" She asked with a smirk causing Darlington to get out of his head. "F-fine!" He finally said. "But if I win, I get to have your room while you stay in mine" he bargained and she grinned at him. "Deal"

Darlington breathed slowly, not daring to look into her eyes. She bent low, hands behind her back, giving him a slight peck at the corner of his mouth causing him to gasp a bit then she kissed him. Darlington kept his hands at his back too as their lips moved against one another in heat of passion and desire. After a minute, Josephine couldn't take how far they were from one another and she pulled him by the waist, bring him closer.

"I won" Darlington said breaking the kiss to catch his breath. "Oh my darling," Josephine began, her eyes shining with lust. "In nowhere near finished with you yet" she said and his eyes widened slightly as she kissed him again. Her hands trailing up and down his wait, going to his back then resting at his neck. She put him against the wall, lifting him up as he wrapped his legs around her torso, he smiled into the kiss making Josephine almost lose it. His hand was in her hair, rubbing smooth circles in it. They broke apart to catch their breaths with foreheads pressed against each other. She let him down as they maintained eye contact, both the sea and the stormy cloud were at peace with their emotions and desires.

"I love you" she whispered and he smiled up at her.


Josephine's phone rang and she brought it out to check the caller ID but it wasn't saved.

"There was an accident. This is doctor Evens."

And from that day on, Josephine knew her world was going to turn black, whether she liked it, or not.

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