chapter 1

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Darlington looked for an empty seat and the only one he found was one in front of the girl he bumped into earlier and shaking, he walked through desks and seats to his new seat. What made him nervous was the devilish smirk on her face, as he took his seat.

The teacher began the class and he felt eyes staring at him but he was too scared to turn around. He obviously couldn't concentrate then a letter reached his table and the red haired girl beside him who passed it to him pointed to a guy with blonde hair by the far front of the class. Darlington felt the gaze intensity as he accepted the letter. He opened it and it read "I'm Josh, let's be friends Darlington" the sentence showed that he wasn't asking to be friends. This Josh was commanding it and telling from the sentence, Darlington could tell that the boy was speaking with authority so not to be disrespectful, he passed a note back say "kk😊"


After first break, Darlington found a note on His desk, it couldn't have been from Josh, since they ate lunch together he took the paper, adjusting his glasses as he read the beautiful cursive writing which read "Darling" ok, that wasn't right. Was someone playing games with him? He gets the fact that his name isn't all that boyish but still it was wrong to shorten a person's name when you aren't well acquainted with the person.

And on Que, Josh walked in, flirting with some girls and Darlington showed him the letter after the girls had left, "oh damn man" Josh said in an overly excited tone as he looked at the handwriting and then to Darlington who was standing in front of him looking confused. "This is from king man!" And Darlington looked more confused.

Then a flash of the girl he bumped in To with  her flashy neck chain had king on it, was this the begining of him being bullied?

"Oh..... thanks" he said quietly as he took the letter and went to his seat as the bell rang. This was going to be a long day......


"Whats wrong with you man?!" Sebastian questioned jojo as she threw the ball aside

"I don't know" she said in her usual nonchalant tone. It was basket ball practice during lunch and Sabastian can't seem to stop complaining about everything jojo does. It's not the first time, the guy as always been jealous and jojo's layed back character just seemed to piss him off more and it was one of those times and Sabastian wasn't having it.

"Look," Josephine began, pulling slightly at her basketball jersey, "i don't know your problem man, im gonna take a shower, y'all continue without me" she said, picking her stuffs and walking out. Sabastian clenched his fists at this.

"Alicia" Josephine called out to her friend who was flirting with some random guy, her best friend answered immediately rushing over. Jojo was now dressed in her earlier clothes "I'm hungry" she said.

"I got you something" Alicia said with a smile which Josephine returned and followed her best friend. She started contemplating whether to tell her best friend that she was admiring someone or not.

What she didn't get was why this case was in reverse, wasn't it the girl who bumps into the guy?a smile played on her face as she chewed her food even slower, remembering how cute he looked when he fell "earth to king" Alicia said and jojo snapped out of her trance and glanced at her best friend "Who were you thinking about?" She asked

"Oh no one" she replied her smirk playing back onto her face. This was going to be fun....very fun......


Some kids were in the parking lot, talking about random stuffs while Darlington was waiting for the bus, "you take the bus?" He he heard someone ask. He nodded with out looking at who the voice belonged to. That voice sounded..... So familiar like the one which asked him if he was ok this morning, he turned sharply like he wanted to snap his own neck and he came face to face with her. Only one hand of her backpack was on her shoulder were as he had both of his on his shoulder.... She some how made him feel intimidated....

She smirked at him, coming closer to his ear and whispering, "you're so cute darling" then walking away. Darl was sure his face was a very bright shade of red..because now as he dared to look over the direction she went and it felt like she knew he'd look at her, she smirked at him as their eyes met and he quickly looked away, good thing was, the bus arrived really quick and he didn't look back as he got in.

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