chapter 38

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The store was a 20 minutes drive from Darlington's house but Josephine and Lyn covered it under 10.

"Are you ok?" Sebastian broke the silence between the both of them and Darlington looked up to see that he still had his eyes on the road.

"Y-yeah" Darlington replied shyly.

"Did she do anything?" Sebastian asked again when a black jeep moved to his side and he saw a guy by the window waving at him flirtatiously which caused him to roll his eyes as he sped up.

"N-no" Darlington answered again playing with his hands that were in between his laps on the warm pink leather seat.

"You know I'm here for you right? You can talk to me when ever you like." Sebastian reasurred and Darlington turned to look at him with wide eyes. Him and Sebastian didn't really get along as good as every other kid and they hardly spoke much. Darlington felt a shard bit of emptiness because he had been busy lately and they didn't have time to hang out anymore. He had wanted to call countless times to invite him over but he was scared he'd be disturbing him.

"A-actually, who is Josephine king?" Darlington asked taking a breather.

"She's the daughter to this playboy and heir to a multi billion dollar sports company which has a lot of franchises. They own hotels, resorts, malls and the likes." Sebastian began freely. Darlington had the right to know all about her. "Her mother was one of her father's many encounters but for some reason he cherished her more than his other children. She's been living here all her life too. She is exceptionally brilliant but somehow fails when it comes to simple female tasks. She-" Sebastian stopped unable to continue. He seemed to be waiting for a go ahead. Darlington spoke.

"Tell me the bad parts too" Darlington said in a hushed tone and Sebastian let out a sigh. But instead of snitching her out he asked a question that got Darlington thinking.

"Do you like her?" And Darlington stopped. Sebastian pulled into the parking lot of the convince store but didn't open the doors. He waited for Darlington to answer.

"I-I don't know" he said shyly playing with his fingers. He found something oddly interesting about them. No doubt a blush coated his cheek. Sebastian unbuckled his seat belt and leaned into Darlington to whisper another question.

"Do you like guys?" Came his husky voice in a rumble and Darlington gulped hard. His light blush deepening by a shade.

"I-I don't know" Darlington said between a hiccup. Sebastian moved away letting Darlington breath.

"So you don't know what you want." Sebastian stated unlocking the doors and taking out the key as he saw Josephine and Lyn walking over to their car. Lyn was holding a smoothie while Josephine a cup of hot coco.

"I-I do" Darlington spoke in a low tone that caused Sebastian to arch a brow at him. "I do know what I want!" He said again louder before opening his side of the door and stepping out onto the pavement. Sebastian was confused. He didn't know if he liked Josephine. He didn't know if he was into guys but somehow he knew what he wanted.

Sebastian stepped out adjusting his denim jacket. "Baby!" Lyn squealed at Sebastian who rolled his eyes.

"I'd take it that you're talking to your car" he said and she nodded rapidly.

"Yup" she said with a sly smirk.

Josephine took the opportunity to stand beside Darlington. "Hey" she breathed through her scarf with a small wave which he returned slowly,

"H-hello" he breathed back. He felt heat creep to his cheek at the thought of the previous night and he felt his lips go dry all of a sudden.

"Uhm- you know I like you a lot right and I'm sorry if i-" she began but he cut her short.

That was the second time she had openly confessed to him. And he hadn't even replied her first yet. She said she'd give him time and it was over a week and they just began October.

"It's ok. Any who, let's get shopping quick. I might even need a new recipe book and maybe some gloss" Darlington said in a dismissive way trying to surpress his growing urges to pull down her scarf and claim her lips as his again.

"Why do I have a feeling you're taking advantage of the fact I'm paying for this? Either that or the fact that I like you a lot." She said again with an amused expression from her eyes as she pulled down her scarf lightly to down the rest of her coco that was no longer that hot. She licked her lips to get rid of any extra coco on it. Never mind that but it was the third time she had declared her feelings.

"I'm giving you a run for your money querida." He said nonchalantly as he walked in front swayingbhis little hips as to emphasize his point. Josephine let out a breathy laugh. Darlington smiled to himself a bit. It wasn't bad when he did the teasing.

He giggled to himself. He was actually enjoying it. He could hear Lyn and Sebastian bickering and he could feel Josephine smiling behind him as the auto doors opened to a warm store.

There was no one there except for the attendees. He heard the door open behind him, and turned to look at Josephine with a questioning look. "What? I got the llace for the weekend" she shrugged.

"La seniora knows how to spend her money." Darlington said with a smirk as he turned back to the store.

"I call dips on Lyn!" Sebastian shouted as soon as he got in.

"I'm not a thing stupid" Lyn protested lightly punching him which he laughed out.

"I call dibs on the snacks!" Darlington announced with a wide grin. Josephine smirked, tickling him a bit which caused him to squeal like a little child as he squirmed out of her grasp causing her to gasp in fake hurt and him to giggle.

"I call dibs on the ice creams!" Lyn mimicked taking off into the store and Sebastian shared a glance with Josephine and they smirked. The two were no where to be found. After light giggles being heard, Darlington jumped out tapping Lyn by the shoulder.

"You're it!" And Lyn squealed excitedly before running through shelves to find an unsuspecting Sebastian. "You're it!" She said lightly tapping his shoulder before running off. Sebastian groaned before jogging after but spotted Josephine and quickly tagged her. She smirked as she heard giggles and laughter, looking for who she'd tag.

Darlington was eagerly looking for a place to hide but couldn't find any. He heard light foot tapping approaching him. He felt his heart beat quicken and a burst of adrenaline from playing a children's game.

He felt breaths fanning his ear. "You're it darling!" He heard and he felt giddy inside as he turned around playfully with a big grin, his hands by instinct landed on her shoulder and hers around his waist. Playfulness was replaced with unsatisfied wants as he stared deep into her eyes.

He was lost in a storm of grey. And she was lost at sea but neither of them wanted to be found. Her arms tightened securely around his waist. Darlington felt his heart beat increase and began taking long breaths that caused his chest to rise and fall in a rhythmic form.

He wanted to stand on his tip toes and just seal the deal. That that's exactly want he began doing.

"Darlington is it!" Lyn's voice came from behind causing them to break up whatever they were doing and Darlington squealed. "I'm coming for you!" He laughed out causing Lyn to let out a squeal of her own as she turned on her heals, running.

But he knew his heart wasn't beating fast just because of adrenaline anymore but this time, a new emotion and he felt ready to explore.

My oh my.....

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